By Anna
sunset behind acasia by arnsteins from Getty Images Created in Canva
“Arrivederci” is a short story written by one of NorthStar’s students who participated in a short story competition for NSA’s Creative Wiring Club. Reader discretion is advised, as the story contains some fantasy violence. The prologue of the story is here in this article. To read the full story, click here.
The kingdom fell to ruin in her absence.
Now here she was, 13 years later, ready to fix things.
The only problem was…
Everyone was dead.
Wasn’t she the fairest in the land? The greenest eyes, brightest smile, richest skin. Always well dressed, but not dressed too prideful. Always humbled herself in dressing similar to the public, but always fancier, to set herself apart. She’d have a simple grey dress that trailed down to her feet, touching the ground, but not covering it. It had a delicate and beautiful design, yet simple.
She prided herself with knowing the people of the town, making sure that she was down to earth and not with her head in the sky. She knew everyone, and everyone knew her. She took the time to get to know the people of her kingdom, to learn their names and learn their hobbies, to make them feel special that the queen knew them. No one was spared from her kindness.
Even the people in the dungeons wer able to experience her kindness! Yes, they weren’t in the comfort they might have been before they were arrested, but they always got 3 meals a day. Never once were they left hungry. Even those on death row got a glimpse of luxury. They got a choice of whether or not they were to be executed publicly, and most of the time, they were executed privaetley and painlessly.
That’s to say if there even were any criminals on death row. There was hardly anyone that wanted to break the king and queen’s laws. The people here lived in near-paradise, why would they want to ruin that?
That was until the queen left. No one knows why, not even Zaion, her advisor, whom she always spoke with.
She was last seen wearing a lovely lavender dress with a blue and gold shawl that had golden clasps, bright blue shoes, and a rose hairpiece, her hair tied up in a braided bun.
My brother, if you see her, please tell us or bring her back. We dearly miss her.
- M####
To read the full story, click here.
Columns: 👤NSA People 🏘️Clubs