🧑🚀NSA Culture🧑🚀
Learn more about the culture at NorthStar Academy.
Did you know laughter is a great form of stress relief (Mayo Clinic Staff)? Laughing can have biological effects on our bodies that help reduce the physical symptoms of stress. In an environment like school, where students and teachers are surrounded by stress, humor is important. It makes lessons more engaging, brings students together, and provides outlets for students to have fun.
Greetings everyone! I am proud to introduce the first in a series of stories starring NorthStar’s very own Navi! This will be a continuous story that will be handed off to a different person on the Navigator each publication. We hope that everyone will tune in for each new chapter in this epic new adventure!
NorthStar Academy offers a multitude of student programs. From classes, to clubs, to events and more, NSA is anything but short on student offerings. One of the programs offered is the tutoring program. Sometimes students need extra help with their classes. This is where NSA’s tutors come in.
What do you like to do in your free time? Perhaps you enjoy playing sports, reading at your local library, making bracelets, or hanging out with your friends. One of the blessings of online school is that it allows you to chat with students on the other side of the globe from the convenience of your bedroom. However, online school does have a significant downside. Your parents might not be able to afford the plane tickets you need to meet some of your classmates in person. Not to worry, though–-there are ways for you to meet with international NorthStar students minus the high cost of traveling.
A requiem Mass is a prayer for the dead used in Roman Catholic services (McConnell). From the Latin for “rest,” the requiem meditates on the final judgment and the Christian’s hope of salvation (“English Translation”). There have been many musical settings to this prayer, but among them, the Requiem of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart stands out as one of the greatest of all time.
Imagination, or the ability to think beyond reality to come up with new ideas, is a vital skill in life, though different from academic skills that are normally taught in school. However, it is often difficult to think creatively, especially for those who have not had practice. Enter the world of roleplays.
Imagine being a full-time student at NSA, but schoolwork is not all you do. Apart from studying at least five hours per day, you also spend between one to three hours per day training for your sport. This is the reality of a few select NSA students, to whom their sport is just as important as their studies. Student-athletes are a unique group of students who demonstrate how useful NSA can be, and who show a level of dedication that is hard to come across. Let us dive into the most popular sport practiced by this group of people: football, better known in the US as soccer.
About a week ago I met up with a friend over coffee. While she was working on her laptop across from me, I drafted the outline of my recent English essay. My friend said something that caught my attention: “Wow, it’s like you’re living as a college student already.” Surprisingly, it seemed true. Within the past twenty minutes I had booked a taxi, paid the driver, ordered my drink, and begun to work off my phone’s Wi-Fi, all on my own. It got me thinking, what similarities are there between online high school and college students’ day-to-day? What freedoms and responsibilities come from online schools that are carried into college? How can attending an online school prepare students for college life outside academics?
Fall is the season of thankfulness, and with the abundant blessings God gives us throughout the year, it is an excellent time to take a moment and recognize what we are thankful for and how He has worked in our lives.
NorthStar Academy is constantly adding, revising, and improving their courses. There are already an incredible number of courses offered at the school; however, this year, several new classes have been added to the options that high school students can choose from.
Imagine showing up to a club meeting week after week… except you were the only member. The chairs are empty, the books are unread, and the game pieces are yet to be moved. That doesn’t sound much like a club, does it? According to the Oxford Dictionary, a club is, “An organization for people who share an interest or do a sport or activity together” (Oxford University Press). There is a purpose for meeting, and it is not about the activity. It’s about the people.
“I just wanna be adopted by anyone and everyone willing to adopt me. I wanna see how many NSA parents I can have.” Yes, you have read that sentence right. No, it is not talking about actual adoptions. Confused yet? Do not worry, we all are. Join me in my quest of trying to explain NSA families in a way that makes sense - and based on the fact that even the main participants are confused, it will not be an easy one.
NSA offers many excellent and unique ways to engage with the community and become more involved in student leadership. One of these opportunities is to become a club leader. Students in this position coordinate, oversee, and are regularly active in the club they lead. But what exactly are these leaders required to do, and what are some benefits of becoming a club leader?
“Oh no,” I groaned, staring at my computer in disbelief. It was my first year at NorthStar Academy, and I felt overwhelmed by all the new skills I needed to learn. As the 2024 school year kicks off and courses begin, new students stream into our school. A major problem they face is plugging into NSA’s online community. Being part of NSA’s international student body provides opportunities to connect with students worldwide. However, the academy cannot provide a physical school building for students to meet in. This means the school must provide alternate ways to socialize.
The world is an immense place: miles of oceans, mountains that touch the clouds, and beauty that expands across the globe. Over the past few hundred years, humans have continued investigating and discovering more of this beautiful world. That is what the Navigator staff was able to do for this article. For many students, receiving a high-quality education is difficult. However, NorthStar remedies this issue by utilizing technology to connect students and teachers via an online landscape. Additionally, NSA provides many opportunities to build and strengthen relationships in an online environment. The Navigator staff had the opportunity to learn more about the students at NorthStar and how NSA’s unique campus experience accommodates them in their home countries.
It is time for another wildlife adventure! Last year, I highlighted the wildlife encounters of the students of NSA. But, now it is time for the wildlife encounters of NSA’s faculty to shine. So, prepare yourselves to embark on an adventure around the world to visit the places where NSA’s faculty had some of their most notable wildlife encounters.
Here at the Navigator, we work to create enjoyable publications full of a wide variety of articles, from the informative to the humorous. But, we are still students, so we have other classes we must work on as well. Let us get a glimpse of the school lives of the Navigator staff by investigating their favorite high school courses, which are as diverse as toppings on a pizza.
2023 has been an excellent year for video games. With many extremely popular and well-made releases such as Lethal Company by Zeekers, Spider Man 2 by Insomniac, or Baldur’s Gate 3 by Larian, gamers have been spoiled by the wide variety of high-quality video games that have been coming out this year. However, Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (or TOTK for short) has been hailed by some as the best game of the year. But what makes the game so good, and does it have any flaws?
Did you know that rubber bands last longer when they’re refrigerated? Probably not. That might make you wonder what else you don’t know. If you’re anything like me, you probably also don’t know that NSA offers tutoring. As I recently found out, tutoring is readily available at NSA for a wide variety of classes!
Disclaimer: The following article is Part II of a fantasy series written by Jared L. It may contain mild fantasy darkness/violence, and/or mature topics. Reader discretion is advised.
At NorthStar Academy, there are a variety of outlets for students to follow their individual passions and practice valuable skills. Examples include clubs, online chapel meetings, and esports teams. However, these outlets would not be able to continue functioning the way they do today without the student council at NorthStar Academy. While a council of students might at first seem barely related to the workings of NorthStar Academy’s student body, its members do quite a bit for the student body behind the scenes.
The first ever NorthStar Academy Christmas Art Competition is officially over! We’ve kicked off the first competition with so many wonderful art submissions. They were everything we wished for, and more! We were overwhelmed by the number of entries we received – each one creative and inspiring in its own way. Ultimately, there was one submission that stood out from the rest and had earned the judge’s hearts. Never the less, the large amounts of creativity that we were able to see in each art submission, was astonishing. This was a tough decision to make, to which had sparked some debate between the judges.
This Christmas season, the Music Club hosted a Christmas Song Talent Competition!
Depression is “a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest” (Mayo Health Clinic). “Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression” (World Health Organization). Anyone can get depression. It can come after the death of a loved one, anxiety from school, or other external circumstances. However, depression is not the end of the road. It can be battled with hope and resilience.
During the month of October, a group of NSA students and staff traveled to Panama for a week of missions and ministry. This week would prove to be life-changing for many, including the people we served and the team members themselves.
Do you and your family have specific traditions you do every year around Christmas? For me, my family and I always go to the tree lighting on our square and go look at Christmas lights. Just like this tradition is unique to my family, so are other traditions to other countries. For example, France, Germany, and Australia all have different practices. Those countries will be our main focus. All of these countries have unique customs surrounding Christmas. Some of these practices are unique to one country or shared by many.
NorthStar Academy's Visual Arts Club provides students with hands-on art experiences through hands-on activities and artist sharing. It promotes diverse creative genres such as pottery, painting, illustration, digital art, charcoal, chalk, sculpture, and printing by encouraging innovation and competition participation. Students interested in the visual arts make up the Visual Arts Club. The Visual Arts Club's mission is to promote the arts by participating in different art contests, meetings, and events.
In ancient Egypt, Egyptians used a form of writing known as hieroglyphics - carved pictures and images that represented things or ideas. In the Western world, we do not often think of pictures as a form of writing. While some Eastern languages use symbols to indicate words, Western languages use a series of letters to make words, each of which has a unique meaning. But, as technology has continued to develop, we can now communicate with people worldwide electronically. With the rise of texting, instant messaging, and social media, it seems that a new form of modern hieroglyphics has surfaced - emojis!
Have you ever been curious as to how you start a Minecraft server or ever wanted to know more about maintaining one? This article contains the answers to both questions. The owner and manager of NorthStar's very own Minecraft SMP (Survival Multi Player) Server, Alexander M., has advice and information regarding his server and the skills and resources needed to create and maintain it.
The Minecraft esports at NorthStar Academy have skyrocketed over the last two school years due to the actions of NorthStar Academy’s Dean of Students, Scott Berggren. He started the first NorthStar Minecraft esports team at the start of the spring semester in 2023, after he was informed that NorthStar students had a high interest in Minecraft through a poll conducted by Chuck Deitch, who is the Administrative Director of School Programs at NorthStar Academy. This team created by Berggren would successfully get to the championship round at a CompMC tournament between multiple different schools based all over the United States.