Clubs and Community
By Brooklyn C.
Reading During Book Club by SolStock from Getty Images Signature Created in Canva
Imagine showing up to a club meeting week after week… except you were the only member. The chairs are empty, the books are unread, and the game pieces are yet to be moved. That doesn’t sound much like a club, does it? According to the Oxford Dictionary, a club is, “An organization for people who share an interest or do a sport or activity together” (Oxford University Press). There is a purpose for meeting, and it is not about the activity. It’s about the people.
In every setting of life, the props may change and the scenery may move around, but the people keep the show running. Clubs at NSA allow individuals to connect with like-minded people and offer the chance to learn new skills. When asked about the purpose of clubs at NSA, Blake said, “Honestly just connecting with people that are like-minded, that’s pretty much the only and biggest thing.” He mentioned that although he’s interested in math and chess, he spent more time last year in other clubs where people were more active.
The Book Club is a new addition to NorthStar’s list of clubs. Its leaders, Sarah, Grace, and Jared are working to make it as engaging and community-building as possible! In an interview with Sarah, she mentioned that her favorite part of NorthStar’s clubs is the community students can build. “I believe clubs exist at NSA because students do need that connection,” she added. “Clubs allow students to spend time doing what they enjoy doing while connecting and growing with others.” The role of the Book Club is to allow students a place to have fun, meet people, chat about books, and welcome those who are first-time readers.
Sarah brought up another interesting point: “The clubs are also a fantastic way to integrate more of Jesus into some of our hobbies that typically do not have a ‘space’ for Him.” The world likes to tell us go, go, go, yet the Bible tells us to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). In the haze of school, practice, family life, and more, we can forget what is most important: Jesus. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them” (New International Version, Matt. 18:20). When interacting in club channels, or joining club calls, students are coming together as followers of Christ to encourage one another. NorthStar’s expected student outcomes include becoming a biblically literate Christ follower of Christ-like character. We are called to treat others the way we want to be treated (Luke 6:31), build others up (1 Thess. 5:11), and serve those around us (Eph. 6:7). Christian community is something completely unmatched.
Community is an important part of who we are as a school and as the body of Christ. Clubs provide ways to connect and engage with people, and maybe learn a new skill or two. From the Book Club to the Misson’s Club, there’s a place for everyone to meet like-minded people. Take that seat, open that book, start that game. After all, that’s what clubs at NorthStar are all about.
Columns: 🏘️Clubs 🧑🚀NSA Culture
Brooklyn C. lives in South Asia with her three siblings, mom, dad, pet cats, and pet turtles. She is in eleventh grade and has been a student at NorthStar for three years. She spends her free time painting and drawing, in hopes of pursuing a career in children's book illustration. She also enjoys running, going on walks, listening to music, reading, watching movies, and traveling.