Tutoring at NSA

By John C.

Tutoring by reklamlar Created in Cava

Did you know that rubber bands last longer when they’re refrigerated? Probably not. That might make you wonder what else you don’t know. If you’re anything like me, you probably also don’t know that NSA offers tutoring. As I recently found out, tutoring is readily available at NSA for a wide variety of classes! 

Let’s start with the basics. Tutoring at NSA is student-led, and Maia, the StuCo Secretary, is in charge of everything related to tutoring. Maia said, “It is completely student-led: the students tutor and students complete each task.” However, since the tutoring team is an official team at NSA, teachers do most of the advertising for the team. Currently, tutoring is available for the following classes: 

  • Math 100-450

  • English 100-450

  • History 100-300

  • Chemistry 300.

  • Spanish 1-3

  • French 1-3

  • Chinese 1-3

  • Bible

  • SAT prep

  • Public Speaking

  • Theatre

  • Law & Order

  • Criminology

  • International Business

There are no requirements to sign up for tutoring. As long as you are enrolled in one of the classes listed above and you need help with something in that class, you are eligible to sign up for tutoring. There is currently a shortage of tutors, which means the list of classes could change as tutors come and go. Fortunately, the available classes are listed on the sign-up form, so you will never have to be confused about whether or not your class is available for tutoring. 

Maia was clear when she said, “Tutoring can be for anyone, if you’re struggling with the entirety of one specific subject, you can submit the form and a tutor will help you! You can also ask for tutoring on one specific problem or assignment which you had struggled on, and tutors would be happy to help you!” 

Now that we know about the existence of tutoring at NSA, who runs the tutoring team, and what classes are available for tutoring, let’s discuss how the tutoring process actually works. 

There are many ways to find the link to the form to sign up for tutoring. The first, and possibly the easiest, way is to go to the Help and Study Hall channel in the High School Building in Teams. From there you can find the NSA Tutoring Form in an official post. Another option within the Help and Study Hall channel of the High School Building is to click on the “Northstar Tutoring Form” tab at the top of the screen. If you prefer Outlook over Teams, there is another option to find the form. To find the form on Outlook you just have to search for an email that was sent to all high school students by Mrs. Jessica Armstrong. Within the email, you should find the link to the form. Two other ways to find the form are by looking at your grade’s newsletter, which is sent out every month, or by looking at the Weekly General Announcements, which can be found in the High School Building General channel every Monday. 

Once you fill out and submit the tutoring form, the tutoring team will look over your submission and determine which tutor is best suited to help you. After the decision has been made, the chosen tutor will reach out to you privately on either Outlook or Teams, depending on which option you select on the form. You also have the option to communicate over text or by video call. 

Here is the link to the Tutoring form for anyone who is interested: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5uuZ4MxnYsmRoHq9XmGnfydOJsFG62X-QVVe97c6LMJCeuA/viewform

Hopefully, you’ve learned something from this article--about tutoring, not about the rubber bands! If you still have any questions about tutoring I suggest that you reach out to Maia C. on either Outlook or Teams. In closing, let me leave you with another fun fact: Kangaroos never stop growing until the day they die.

John C. lives in the Middle East with his parents. He is in eleventh grade and has been studying at NorthStar for five years. This year is John's second year with the Navigator, and he is working as the assistant editor-in-chief. John enjoys working out, playing basketball, playing video games, watching TV, and listening to music.