The Answer is Yes!
By Mr. Allen Hester
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During the month of October, a group of NSA students and staff traveled to Panama for a week of missions and ministry. This week would prove to be life-changing for many, including the people we served and the team members themselves.
One of the joys of traveling is being able to meet unique people with inspiring stories. We met many of these people during our time in Panama. Our team was inspired by their faith, perseverance, and boldness in sharing the Gospel with their communities.
Joel, a local Panamanian believer and pastor, inspired us with his faith. He has stepped out into full-time ministry and has a heart to pastor and minister to people in a difficult location in Panama. He just trusts God for his life and for whatever provisions are needed and He is finding God to be faithful.
Victoria, another local Panamanian believer, perseveres. One of the unique tasks we shared in was to go door to door in small groups and visit families in the community to share the gospel. Did I mention that we were in Panama during the rainy season? We were faced with varying levels of rain and sometimes there were downpours. As Victoria’s small group stood outside in the rain sharing with a lady who spoke to them from inside her home through the doorway, the lady asked, “Why are you out here in the rain doing this?” Victoria replied kindly, “The mission never stops.” May we have that same passion for gospel sharing that Victoria does.
Boldness doesn’t come easy to most of us, but God can grant us what we need when we need it. As I watched our students and staff pray over hurting people and extend kindness, love, and mercy with boldness and joy, my heart soared with gratitude to God.
While there, I met an older missionary couple who were visiting. They shared with us an inspiring story. As they began to pray for the ability to discern God’s will for their ministry calling, they just decided to say yes, regardless of what God asked of them. May this be our answer as a NorthStar community.
Lord, our answer is YES!
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