The Adventures of Navi Vol. 1: The Crash

By Jonah S.

Greetings everyone! I am proud to introduce the first in a series of stories starring NorthStar’s very own Navi! This will be a continuous story that will be handed off to a different person on the Navigator each publication. We hope that everyone will tune in for each new chapter in this epic new adventure!

Smoke filled the air. Navi coughed as he tried to get the carbon dioxide out of his lungs. It had happened suddenly. So suddenly, in fact that he was having trouble remembering what had happened. He had been assigned to trace a signal from a far out-of-reach galaxy. The signal did not seem to be anything concerning - at least, that was what he had thought. The galaxy itself had seemed fairly unexciting. There were planets, yes, but most of them did not contain any signs of life. The galaxy also had its sun equivalent, a giant blue star. However, as he ventured further, things began to change. He saw less and less planets, and more debris. Lots of debris. All kinds of rocks and asteroids were floating about. At one point, he had passed a planet that looked like it was falling apart, pieces floating here and there in a semi-spherical shape. Then it happened. He had reached the point of the signal, a planet that glowed with a purple light and then… nothing. 

Navi sat up, in a daze, trying to get a grasp on his surroundings. As his mind cleared, the world stopped spinning, and he was able to see the full extent of his plight. Navi’s spaceship had been severely damaged, battered and bruised from the impact of the supposed crash. Underneath the wreckage of the spaceship, a crater had formed, one so deep that it obstructed his view of the planet in which he now found himself. Fumbling with the seat belt, Navi moved to get out of the cockpit where he was located. Falling to his knees he took a deep breath. Oxygen. He was taken aback. Very few of the planets in this galaxy seemed capable of sustaining life, let alone having breathable air. This welcome surprise was lucky, very lucky. If not for the atmosphere, he would have been met with a very untimely death. Navi turned, staring at his now ruined ship. He sighed, running his hands across the letters on the side of the ship reading, The Northstar.” Maybe his survival had only delayed the inevitable.


Bark Bark!


Navi’s head flew up as a giant metal form came flying at him, knocking him to the ground.

“Stop, stop!” Navi laughed as the creature licked its metal tongue across his face. He had completely forgotten about Buzz, his robodog.


“All right, get off me,” Navi pushed Buzz off him gently.


The robodog ran around in circles, his tongue hanging out of his rather large mouth, full of excitement and energy. His tail swished back and forth, making a familiar and friendly click-clack sound.


“We need to find some way to fix our ship,” Navi said, “But first, we need to figure out where we are. Let’s collect some supplies and then scout out the area.”


Buzz barked in approval, and they began salvaging what they could from the wreckage. When they were done, Navi had a backpack containing several days' rations, including some liquids; a spare energy core for Buzz in case he ran out of battery; and a laser gun, in case the situation got hairy.


“This should keep us for a couple of days. For now, we better get moving if we want to get anywhere.”

The pair climbed their way out of the crater and into a world unlike any they had seen before. The planet seemed very much alive, but also seemed to be very much dead. This world had trees, fields and mountains, like many other worlds, yet all of them had a mysterious purple glow to them, as if they had been corrupted by a malevolent force. Some of these objects even seemed to have their own gravity, with trees and even large, fragmented rocks floating here and there.


Marveling at the scene before him, Navi remarked, “I have never seen anything quite like it!”


Buzz let out a small whimper and then a growl.


“What’s the matter, boy?”

Navi looked to the horizon. In the distance, something was barreling towards the crash site. It was a robot. Not just any robot though, a robot sentinel, designed to keep out unwanted visitors, armed to the teeth with lasers.


“Intruder alert!” It screeched in a monotone voice.

Navi wheeled around and cried, “Run!”

Jonah S. has been at Northstar Academy for the past three years. He lives in the Middle-East with his parents and younger brother. Some of the things he enjoys include reading, writing, watching movies, playing video games, and building Legos. He also enjoys music, viola being his primary instrument.