NSA’s Courses: Serving Up Staff Insights
By Aaron E.
Taking slice of pizza. Friends eat pizza by Getty Images (eternalcreative) Created in Canva
Here at the Navigator, we work to create enjoyable publications full of a wide variety of articles, from the informative to the humorous. But, we are still students, so we have other classes we must work on as well. Let us get a glimpse of the school lives of the Navigator staff by investigating their favorite high school courses, which are as diverse as toppings on a pizza.
Sometimes, a classic cheese pizza is just the right answer to a pizza craving. In the same way, the classic classes can at times be the best. For example, Michael C. has thoroughly enjoyed American Literature. The clarity of the instructions and the logical organization were his favorite parts of the course. He enjoyed the alliteration used in naming each week’s folders, such as “Timeline Tuesday and Word Study Wednesday.” Meanwhile, Jonah S. enjoyed reading a variety of international literature in World Literature. He feels that the course helped him gain a “great perspective on different time periods and styles of writing.” Alexander M. liked Biology at NSA for many reasons, as he appreciated the teacher, the diverse information presented, and the organization. He specifically appreciated how the course was “set up with a four day work week with a fifth day to study that week's content.” Avery P. loves “the idea of traveling the world,” so she enjoyed World Geography. She especially enjoyed the projects, which she found to be fun. She also feels that practicing labeling maps was a helpful learning tool. Graham S. feels “that history is fascinating because it often feels like reading a storybook,” so he enjoyed World History. He appreciated that the assignments were straightforward and easy to understand.
Occasionally, one might feel adventurous and try a pizza with more exotic toppings. There are classes like this too: ones with unique topics. NSA’s Personal Finance course has been a favorite for Lydia N. She found it to be well-organized and helpful in learning about important money-management skills, such as “investing and how to save money.” She also found the assignments to be enjoyable. Jared L. appreciated the pace of Leadership, as it was more relaxed than some of his other courses. He felt that it was “a great class to lean back on for a rest while still doing work.” Chesed F. enjoyed NSA’s Culinary Arts course. She found it to be engaging while teaching practical skills. There were opportunities “to cook a full meal for your family and friends.”
Like traditional pepperoni pizza, some classes are classics with a little something different. One such science elective that stood out to John C. is Astronomy. He felt that it was well organized and “gave students a great grasp of the basics of Astronomy.” Onyinyechi U. enjoyed Creative Writing, especially in that she “got to learn how to write poetry, plays, and short stories.” She appreciated that her teacher worked hard to make sure this English elective was enjoyable. NSA’s Oceanography course, which is my favorite, also falls into this category. It highlights how subjects such as chemistry and physics apply to the ocean. I enjoyed the variety of concepts covered and appreciated the interactivity and visual appeal of the lessons.
Of course, the Navigator staff would all also recommend the Navigator course. Many important skills are taught in the lessons, and the experience gained by working with a team is invaluable. So, what are you waiting for? Grab yourself a slice of pizza and explore the many high school courses on NSA’s extensive menu here!
Columns: 🧑🚀NSA Culture 🗞️Staff Stories
Aaron E. is a high school student from the northeast coast of the USA. This is his third year at NorthStar Academy and his second year on the Navigator staff. He is excited to serve as the Navigator's PR Coordinator again this year. Aaron enjoys spending time in nature with family and friends and exploring it from the water. He loves most anything related to science, technology, nature, and engineering. Some of his hobbies are freshwater fishing, reading, and digital 3D modeling.