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Cipher Shenanigans

Ciphers have been around for hundreds of years. If you want a prime example of a cipher, try learning a new language. You will be stuck on that cipher for years until you finally can crack the code. Ciphers have been used as a way of secret communication as well as purely just for fun! Our minds love deciphering and finding the answers to seemingly impossible equations and puzzles.

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The Role of Humor in NSA

Did you know laughter is a great form of stress relief (Mayo Clinic Staff)? Laughing can have biological effects on our bodies that help reduce the physical symptoms of stress. In an environment like school, where students and teachers are surrounded by stress, humor is important. It makes lessons more engaging, brings students together, and provides outlets for students to have fun.

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Rayman Legends

Rayman Legends is a 2-Dimensional platformer made by Ubisoft. It was released on August 29, 2013, as the most recent installment in the Rayman franchise to come to consoles. However, compared to many of Ubisoft’s other third and first person titles, such as hits like Assassin’s Creed, Splinter Cell, or Far Cry, it is relatively unknown.

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Let's Get Together: An Overview of Disco Hangouts

What do you like to do in your free time?  Perhaps you enjoy playing sports, reading at your local library, making bracelets, or hanging out with your friends.  One of the blessings of online school is that it allows you to chat with students on the other side of the globe from the convenience of your bedroom.  However, online school does have a significant downside.  Your parents might not be able to afford the plane tickets you need to meet some of your classmates in person.  Not to worry, though–-there are ways for you to meet with international NorthStar students minus the high cost of traveling. 

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American Leaders: Forty-Six Men and a Dream

“Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we've ever known” (Reagan). This is a famous quote by the fortieth president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. America has been built off the backs of forty-six different leaders and many citizens. With the recently ended election, questions arise about how America came to be and how the nation got to where it is today. Leaders have both made the country great and have harmed the nation. But overall, the United States has profited off the accomplishments of American Presidents.

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NSA's Got Talent

At NSA, everyone has unique skills and abilities, and no one person is exactly the same. So, when the Student Council proposed NSA’s Got Talent to take place from October 7 to October 19, it was well-received, though people were not quite as excited as the Student Council team had hoped. There were varying responses within buildings, with the High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers being the most active in NSA’s Got Talent, and the Elementary School Building having much fewer responses. However, everyone seemed willing to participate.

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The Media We Consume

...Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. (NIV Bible, 1 Kings 19.11-19.12)

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When High School Feels Like College

About a week ago I met up with a friend over coffee. While she was working on her laptop across from me, I drafted the outline of my recent English essay. My friend said something that caught my attention: “Wow, it’s like you’re living as a college student already.” Surprisingly, it seemed true. Within the past twenty minutes I had booked a taxi, paid the driver, ordered my drink, and begun to work off my phone’s Wi-Fi, all on my own. It got me thinking, what similarities are there between online high school and college students’ day-to-day? What freedoms and responsibilities come from online schools that are carried into college? How can attending an online school prepare students for college life outside academics?

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Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving

Imagine being a young explorer, sailing across the high seas to a new uncharted territory. This is what the Pilgrims probably felt like when crossing the ocean to America. Their ship, the Mayflower, landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts on November 11, 1620. The first year was long and arduous. However, in 1621 the Pilgrims had their first successful harvest. This is where the story starts.

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Caretaker, Part Two

A long time ago, I, the author of this short story, wrote a brief tale known as “Ancient Machines” for an English class at NorthStar. I enjoyed writing it, and received a good grade for my efforts but did not expect it to go anywhere. However, a few weeks later, I was on a call with a few friends. The conversation somehow turned to writing, and I offhandedly mentioned that I’d written a short story called “Ancient Machines” a while prior. My friends eagerly requested I share it with them, which I did, and encouraged me to write a sequel. Therefore, I am here today to do just that. However, had it not been for NorthStar, the entire concept of the story would not have happened. Thus, I must give my wholehearted thanks to the school and its community for its huge hand in the creation of “Ancient Machines”.

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