Why the Navigator is the Class for You

By Grace C.

Although you may be familiar with the Navigator as NorthStar’s school newspaper, you may not know that it is also a class—and a class you are invited to join!  As the 2025-2026 school year approaches, the time to sign up for new courses is nigh.  While considering what classes you would like to take, consider NAVI280e.  Why?  Below are five reasons why the Navigator is the class for you. 

  • (Navigator) Teamwork Makes the Dream Work 

First, the Navigator helps students learn to work on projects with a team of peers.  Upon joining the Nav, students are put into a group of fellow writers headed by teacher advisor Mrs. Meyer.  Every other week, Mrs. Meyer hosts a live session in Microsoft TEAMS.  This gives writers at the Navigator time to familiarize themselves with TEAMS, which is commonly used in the business world.  It also gives them practice collaborating with peers, a skill that is key to success in the workplace.  Furthermore, the Navigator offers many positions to students interested in joining.  “Before joining I thought the only options were to be a writer or to be the editor-in-chief,”  John C., editor-in-chief of the Navigator, says.  “As it turns out, students at the Nav can be writers, editors, public relations representatives, social media managers, image managers, and citations managers.”  If you would like to see what a live session with the Navigator staff is like and to meet the people occupying positions at the Nav, the Navigator hosts an open house for those who are interested.  This year’s open house, which will be led by Mrs. Meyer and the current Navigator staff, takes place on March 21st at 10 a.m. CST in Microsoft TEAMS.  All students are welcome.  If you do not think you will be able to make it to the meeting, you may contact Mrs. Meyer to request the opportunity to observe a regular Navigator live session.

  • The Navigator Helps Prepare You for University Life 

Second, the Navigator gives students the chance to practice working with firm due dates and deadlines.  (I can see you rolling your eyes.  But I can explain–I promise!)  Since the Navigator is an EVP (NSA Live) class, all assignments in the course have solid due dates and must be turned in on time to earn full credit.  This system imitates the rigors of university life, prepping students for study at an in-person school.  Furthermore, the Navigator publishes articles every other month, and frequently releases mini publications between larger ones.  This means that students must learn to use their time wisely to produce articles each month.  Since the real world is full of deadlines, writing for the Navigator gives students a wonderful opportunity to practice meeting deadlines in a friendly, low-stress environment.  

  • The Navigator Helps You Grow Your Writing Skills

Third, the Navigator is a wonderful place for students to grow their creative writing skills.  On the Navigator, students write a variety of article types.  They are encouraged to create and follow through with their own ideas to produce interesting stories.  Then, they are able to read their peers’ articles and give and get feedback to improve their writing.  In the course lessons, students are led through a variety of grammar resources that help them enrich their work and avoid common errors.  My favorite part of writing for the Navigator is the opportunity to read other writers’ work.  I love seeing what the other staff members on the Navigator have crafted for the month.   “The most obvious mission of the Navigator is to bring consistent publications to NSA to spread news, provide entertainment, share stories, highlight classes and students, etc.,”  says editor-in-chief John C.  “However, the less obvious missions include preparing aspiring writers for the future and providing an outlet for creative thinkers and writers to express themselves.”  

  • The Navigator is a Stepping Stone for Young Journalists

Fourth, the Navigator introduces students to the general process of editing and publishing a school newspaper.  Although we may not be Time Magazine or National Geographic, our newspaper is a great starting place for anyone interested in journalism.  

  • The Navigator is Fun!

If you want an outlet for creative writing, enjoy working with a group, or want to belong to a community here at NSA, the Navigator just might be the class for you.  
After walking through all that information together, I hope you feel better educated about the Navigator course, and I hope to see you in class next year!

Grace C. lives in the United States with her parents and many pets.  She is a tenth grader enjoying her second year at NSA.  Grace has a passion for creative writing and is currently working on a fantasy novel.  Some of her other hobbies include exploring God's creation, raising bugs, hoarding books, and baking.