Dear Freshman, (pt.2)
By Karis T.
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As I was working on piecing this article together, it kept getting bigger and bigger. The longer I read over Kate, Caleb, Regan, Sarah Grace, and Rhianna’s words, the more I realized that I wanted to be able to share all of it. Everything they have said are things that I needed to be told four years ago, and I couldn’t bring myself to cut half of it out. So, without further ado, here is part 2 of the article:
What is one thing you’re thankful you did during the past 4 years?
“I’m glad I was open to new ideas and perspectives. When you’re in high school, you begin to form your own opinions and beliefs independent of your parents and community, [and] you start learning how to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources,…so I read a lot, and it shifted my perspective in the best way! [I]t made me better at asking questions, listening, and forming my own opinions. I think being able to define your beliefs is a really great skill to develop during high school!”
– Kate
“I got to know my teachers. Knowing your teachers well won't benefit your grades, but the relationships I have with them are a huge part of the support system I've had throughout high school. I still talk with some of my teachers from the beginning of high school.”
– Regan
“I’ve gotta say it was plugging into NSA. I only really started getting involved in my sophomore year, and this amazing community has just embraced me with open arms!”
– Caleb
“Getting involved in the community on Teams! I've met some of my best friends here, and I hadn't thought that possible! I've been able to meet and connect with so many incredible and supportive people!”
– Sarah Grace
If you could give your freshman self a piece of advice, what would it be?
“I stressed so hard about school and college, which was healthy to an extent but ended up making things harder than they needed to be. Work hard, do your best, and enjoy high school! All those things can coexist in your life :)”
– Kate
“Just because all your friends are doing honors and AP classes, do not feel like you have to. [L]ife is not all about grades [and] the regular classes I have taken at NorthStar have prepared me just as well as the one or two honors courses I took a few years ago.”
– Regan
“High School is a time of high highs, and low lows. Things may seem like they are the end of the world, but the sun will rise again. You will cry, you will laugh, you will sing and dance, and you will curl up in a ball and wish that the earth will swallow you whole. But you’ll come out of the other side okay, and with a better understanding of who you are and who you want to be.”
– Rhianna
What’s one tip you have for freshmen?
“Meet with a guidance counselor at least once early in high school! It sounds crazy, but just meeting once in 9th grade can really help you know where you’re going. The guidance team here at NSA knows what the requirements are for a lot of different post-graduation options, so just talking to someone once can help you get a better idea of what high school will look like! Plans can definitely change, but having an idea of what you want will be a game changer.”
– Kate
“Try to have an idea of what classes you want to take…and spend lots of time exploring your interests. That’s the best way for you to figure out what you want to do later in life.”
– Rhianna
“Learn to be okay with failure, but don't learn to accept it. I failed my first ever math test, and I sat and cried about it. I spent way too long dwelling on it and wishing I could go back and fix it somehow. If I did poorly on an assignment or concept, I would always take time to go back and review to make sure I understood what I'd done wrong and what to do differently the next time. This all goes back to giving yourself grace, and I think that's possibly the most important thing.”
– Sarah Grace
. . .
I’ve loved being in high school, and as much as I look back and realize how stressed I was for a lot of it, I don’t think I would go back and redo it if I could. It truly was some of the best years of my life, and when I was talking to Rhianna for the article, she said something that echoed my own thoughts, and I knew immediately it had to be the closing statement of this article. “Get ready for a crazy four years. Enjoy it. Learn. Grow. Make sure you try to not take anything for granted, whether that be your school, friends, opportunities, etc. You’ll make mistakes and have regrets, and perhaps hate this time of your life, and that’s okay too.”
– Rhianna
To read Part 1, click here.
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Karis T. lives in the Middle East with her parents and two of her three siblings. She’s in her senior year and is going into her fourth year at NSA. She has been dancing for most of her life and is completely in love with the art of ballet and contemporary, and she also works at her studio as a ballet teacher for 3-9 year olds. When she’s not doing school or dancing, she most likely has her nose in a book or is playing guitar. She’s also overtly passionate about health, fitness, and wellbeing and is looking to pursue a career in Physical Therapy in the future.
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