Discovering the Navigator
By Onyinyechi U.
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“Yes!” I screamed, leaping away from the computer to hug my parents. It was April 2023, and I had received a Teams message informing me of my first-place win in the Creative Writing Club’s fiction contest. My dark fantasy short story, “The Quiz,” was to be published in the NorthStar Navigator, the school’s online newspaper. Naturally, I was excited as I contacted the editor-in-chief, Lydia N., to learn the details of this arrangement. But as I looked into the newspaper’s history for the first time, I was surprised to find that articles had been published regularly for a long while, even though I, a NorthStar student of two years, had not noticed this before.
I began to read the old articles with interest, enjoying their humor, wit, and creativity. Having always enjoyed writing, I was thrilled to discover a group of skilled journalists working together.
In the summer of 2023, my parents began planning out my courses for the following year and asked me which electives I would like to choose. Instantly, I suggested that I be signed up for the Navigator class. They agreed, and I joined the newspaper in August.
I was nervous at my first live session for the Navigator. I had not written with a group before. How would that work out? What if I could not keep up with the workload? But I need not have feared. The entire team showed themselves to be warm and welcoming, and I quickly relaxed in the meeting. Mrs. Meyer, the teacher, guided me smoothly through the course, always ready to answer my questions.
In the first few weeks, she announced that the newspaper sought an editor, so I offered myself for the position. I love studying English grammar, and the editing position seemed perfect for me! With another student, I became a co-editor of the Navigator. This job chiefly involves going through others’ rough drafts and giving feedback, comments, and aid where needed.
My other task at the Navigator is that of a journalist. I learn information through polls and interviews, then turn this data into a longer article. One of the best aspects of the newspaper is that I am allowed to choose the subject of my essays. I get to explore different topics every time!
The Navigator is one of my favorite courses this year. The whole team is supportive, diligent, and competent; I really enjoy working with them. Since I began, I have written five pieces for the newspaper and edited dozens of documents. My interest in the NorthStar Navigator began when I wrote one short story, but I hope to publish many more articles in the future.
Columns: 👤NSA People 🗞️Staff Stories
Onyinyechi U. lives in Pennsylvania with her parents and two siblings. She is a tenth grader, and this is her third year at NSA. She recently started writing for the Navigator. In her free time, she enjoys writing novels, plays, and poetry.