From the Director's Desk January 2020

by Daniel Cooley


Hello NSA Families!

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas as you celebrated the birth of our savior!  I hope that amidst the presents and the food, you were able to see the light of Christ clearly shining.  As the new year starts, we have the opportunity to reflect on the past year and look forward to how the Lord will work in our hearts and lives in 2020.  It is hard to believe that 2020 is here. When I was 14, the same age as my younger son is now, 2020 was as far away for me as 2050 is for him today…it seems like something out of science fiction, but alas it will get here eventually!

Speaking of the future, as some of you may know, I will be leaving NorthStar Academy at the end of the 2019-2020 school year to take up a new post with the Network of International Christian School (NICS), our parent organization.  My family and I will be heading to West Nairobi School in Kenya for me to take on the newly created Middle School Principal position there. While I have loved my time heading up NorthStar, the Lord is leading me back to the Principal role in a brick and mortar environment.  We will continue to have the same strong leadership team in place here headed up by a new Director.  

Another peak at the future shows us that our accreditation site visit will be happening in the spring of 2021.  While that may seem far away, it is definitely not when you are talking about accreditation. As such, we will begin planning that process this spring and next fall we will be looking to get your input as students and parents at NSA.  Your input is vital for our continued success, we want your voice to be heard. Be sure to participate in any upcoming surveys or other opportunities for input.  

Finally, as you charge ahead through second semester (or the first one for those that joined us this spring), do not hesitate to reach out to us here in the office or to reach out to your teachers for extra help and support.  We are here to help you however we can, make sure to use that support. Also, don’t forget that we have a great partnership with FEV tutoring service with great pricing that you cannot find anywhere else for extra tutoring in all subjects twenty-four hours a day seven days a week.  You can find out more at a special webinar that FEW will be putting on for parents on January 21st at 6:30 PM Central time.  Here is the sign up link:

Blessings from the Director’s office,

Mr. Cooley

Daniel Cooley has been the Director of NorthStar Academy for 5 years. Previous to NorthStar, Daniel served as the Secondary Principal at Bandung Alliance Intercultural School in Bandung Indonesia. Daniel has his Master’s in Teaching and a graduate certificate in Educational Leadership. Daniel is passionate about educational leadership and quality educational experiences for students.