
By Michael C.

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Is it good for goodbyes to be sad? As a TCK (Third Culture Kid), goodbyes are a normal part of my life, but that does not mean they get any easier. As a Christ follower, I know that goodbyes are never final, but even a “goodbye for now” is still hard. No matter who you are, goodbyes are hard. Goodbyes never get any easier, and sometimes it is ok to just let the tears flow.

Goodbyes are never final for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the past six months, I have been living in the U.S., and this January I have had to say goodbye to friends and family. My grandparents are getting older, and if when I say goodbye in January it is the last I ever say goodbye to them, it will be extremely sad. However, it will not be final, and I know that I will see them again one day.

As a TCK, goodbyes have become a normal part of life, but they never get any easier. The entire time that my family has lived abroad we have only got one-year visas, and so every year, we come back to the United States to renew our visas. For the past five years, my grandparents have taken our family to the airport, and we cry our eyes out. It has become a yearly tradition, and yet, it has never gotten any easier. While goodbyes have become normal, they have not become easy.

Holding back emotions is never good, and it is good to just let the tears flow. Sometimes when we are leaving America, people try to say things that will make us feel better. They say things like, “Well, you will get to go see your cat, you can sleep in your own bed.” People try to make the moment less sad than it actually is. Goodbyes are going to be sad, and you need to embrace that.

So, when you yourself are saying goodbye or you know of some friends who are going through that process, here are some things you can say or remember. First, goodbyes are never final in Christ Jesus. No matter what happens while you are away from friends and family, you will be with them forever in Heaven. Goodbyes are not going to get much easier. They are hard no matter how you look at it. So, is it ok for goodbyes to be sad. Lastly, it is never good to minimize the pain, but rather accept the sadness. 

Michael C. currently lives in North Carolina with three siblings and mom and dad. He has been at NorthStar for three years and has recently started writing for the Navigator. He enjoys running, reading, and geeking out about Lord of the Rings.