How Family Helps at North Star
By Aaron C.
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My family has been at North Star for a long time. When I started, Brainhoney and First Class were the platforms that I used. A few years after I started, my younger brothers joined NSA. At that time, I was in my junior year. My brothers were in eighth and seventh grade. I was the NSA veteran, the one who knew what to do and how the system worked. While I already had the experience of being in middle school, I was in high school. The two are similar, but there are some differences. Being a part of both the middle school and the high school can be difficult for a family. However, it can also be very beneficial and helpful.
A lot of times, I’m asked to help my brothers with something because I already did it. I can give advice or clear something up. Occasionally, it can be annoying. I just want to do my classes or finish my assignment or take my test. I don’t want to tutor my brothers all the time. However, I know that I should help them out. It doesn’t take too much time, and it’s really helpful for everyone. They get some advice about their classes, and I can learn how to teach and be patient. While having kids in both high school and middle school can be a challenge, it is also a benefit to everyone.
Of course, it isn’t always that easy. Courses are modified, new teachers arrive, and assignments change. Sometimes I can’t help because it’s all new to me too. Other times what I thought I knew no longer applies. At times like that, things can get difficult. However, we get through it. Having a family spread across North Star leads to experience and knowledge on what to do. While we may not know exactly what to do, we can use past experiences to figure it out. We know who to contact or ask for help. Having a family in both the high school and the middle school brings lots of advantages for all involved.
Just earlier today, I had to help my brother with citing a source for his essay. I gave him some tips on what information to get, how to properly cite it, and how to format it. It was pretty simple, and it took about two minutes. Yet, I realized how valuable it is to have siblings spread across North Star. It can be helpful for big things, like choosing classes or how to do an assignment. It can be helpful for small things, like how to format a citation or good websites for current events. While there are challenges, the benefits of having kids in both middle and high school outweigh them.
Columns: 🗞️Staff Stories
Aaron C. is a senior at North Star. He has attended NSA for six years and has written for the Navigator for three of those years. Journalism is one of his passions, and he hopes to continue with it after graduation.