It was the Best of Classes, It was the Worst of Classes
By Lydia Novak
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Ahh, classes! We all have them. We all know what it’s like to be working tirelessly on that one subject that we just can’t seem to master, or alternatively, grinning when you open an assignment for that class that you couldn’t understand any better!
But really, what is NSA’s BEST class? Well, you may have a certain idea of what best means to you. Is it the hard, but logical math class, whose answers are always straightforward as long as you memorize the formulas? Or maybe it’s PE, where your dream is to move your body! Or maybe you prefer the subtle art class, where you can jam to your favorite tunes while practicing gesture drawings? When you read the best class you most likely have an idea of what that is in your head, but let’s find out what best class really means to others!
About 60% of people who took my poll were in 9th grade, and almost everyone was under 16 years old. About 40% of the people were male and 60% were female.
Classes Taken
Almost all students are taking about five or six classes. However, there are a couple of exceptions. Remember, not all NSA students take all their classes at NSA. A few people are only taking two classes with NorthStar, and one is taking eight!
Some students take their classes simply because, as one student puts it, “I need to take them xD.” School is definitely a priority, and though we may not be in love with every class we take, we simply NEED to take some! However, one student states, “I chose these classes because I love challenge[s] and I want to learn as much as I possibly can while I'm at school.” What a great attitude!
Challenging Times
When you are asked what your most challenging class is, you may think that the answer will automatically have a negative connotation to it, but this isn’t necessarily so! Some students said that their most challenging class was confusing, or that they aren’t good at it, but one student said, “I think [that] science challenges me the most, since it skips a grade and then is an honors class. It challenges me most because it brings up new concepts I've never heard of before, but I love it.” You can still love your most challenging class!
Now I let the people talk! What class would you recommend to another high schooler?
“I would recommend Algebra 1 EVP to them because it helps me stay on track and not get behind, and the teacher explains everything so well!”
“I would recommend the coding class because even though it is really hard, it teaches you a lot of cool new concepts related to programming and it teaches you how to program real python!”
“Probably academic success, because it's really helpful for studying techniques and choosing courses/majors in college.”
“Forensics because it is fun and interesting.”
“Language Arts 9. It’s my favorite class, I think it is well laid out, and each day is interesting.”
“I would say American Lit Honors. The teacher is SUPER nice, she gives helpful feedback, and the class overall is very fun!”
The Future
What classes are you excited to take in the future at NSA?
“I'm really excited to take science classes next year, as well as History!”
“I am excited to take Trigonometry because I love math xD.”
“I'm excited to take guitar lessons because I want to play guitar for my church youth.”
“I hope to take Criminology because I hope to join the military or police force.”
“I'm really excited to take Creative Writing next year because I love to write!”
“I'm excited to maybe take photography or Studio Music. I LOVE photography, and I really want to learn the specifics, and I also love music and would love to learn more about it.”
“French 2. I am super excited to learn a new language.”
So… Does NSA Have a Best Class?
In the end, NSA has no best class because each person is unique and special. God did not create us with robot minds to all enjoy and despise the same things. He created some to like math, some to like physical activities, others, the arts, still others technology, and some, all of the above! We could go on and on about what each person likes and doesn’t like, but in the end, the best part about NSA is not that it has a best class. The best part about NSA is that it has a best class for everyone’s individual needs. All classes are the best class because each helps us to learn more and grow our faith in God, along with NSA’s wonderful and amazing teachers. Thank you to all of NSA’s teachers!
Lydia Novak is in 9th grade this year and this is her first year at NSA! She loves to sing, act in local and professional theatre productions, and read when she isn't doing schoolwork. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri, with her mom and step-dad. She has no siblings, but she does have a dog named Pippin (after Peregrin Took from the Lord of the Rings book series).