NSA Talent Search Winners for December and February
by Savannah Laux and Stephanie Ann Foster
Artist Painting on Canvas by prathan chorruangsak
Created in Canva
In the NorthStar Navigator’s first publication in November, Kay Lane wrote an article about the NSA talent showcase. The staff at the NorthStar Navigator felt it was only fitting the follow up her article with information on the winners from December and February. Congratulations to the winners and all those who had the courage to submit their talents.
December Talent Search Winners
First place:
It is a tie! Here are two NorthStar students sharing vastly different vocal styles in vastly different performance scenarios (one displaying stunning studio vocals and editing, and the other sharing raw joy in live performance), and both of them are beautiful offerings to the Lord!
Maddie Jewett (9th, Idaho) for "I Know Him" in her church Christmas Cantata
Brooke Foster (11th, New Jersey) for "Mary Did You Know?"
Brooke Foster - Mary Did You Know (Cover).mp4
Congratulations to Maddie and Brooke!
February Talent Search Winners
First place:
Reigning champion Brooke Foster (grade 11, New Jersey) for singing “Into the Unknown” from Frozen II
Second Place:
Newcomer and rising star Gaby Cortes (grade 10, Texas) for singing “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid:
Third Place:
Surprise sibling synch-sters Elijah and Lydia Roseboom (grades 6 and 11, Malaysia) for a delightful mimed duet of “Love is an Open Door” from Frozen: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LJ5cRHv6uj8zOYbid2-vAn3-ImghvhzL/view
Congrats you fabulous stars! Let’s keep those creative performances coming, and be sure to share this competition among friends (or invite those friends to Drama Club) so that we can get the word out and see all of the fabulous performing talent we have here at NorthStar!
The NorthStar Search
Need more drama in your life? Then the NorthStar Talent Search is meant for you! Each month features a new performing challenge that can be approached creatively through singing, dancing, or acting. There is also a modest $10 Amazon gift card for the first-place performer, and both winners and honorable mentions will be featured on North Star social media.
Performers of any age can enter and are adjudicated in the same pool. Please include your grade level and home state (or country if outside the U.S.) with your submission.
Though some challenges will more easily fit into one category than another, you can choose to approach each challenge through singing, dancing, or acting. For example, you can write an original monologue based on a song, or perform a dance inspired by a psalm. All performers are encouraged to think creatively!
Winners and (and possibly honorable mentions) will be chosen by NorthStar’s Theatre teacher, Stephanie Ann Foster.
Send all entries to Stephanie.Foster@NorthStar-Academy.org as a link. Please don’t use Teams—it is more difficult to track these submissions, and more difficult to share them.
The competition for each month closes at midnight (every time zone) on the last day of that month.
By submitting to the contest, you are giving permission for your work to possibly appear on NorthStar social media, and also to possibly having your work edited into a compilation of NorthStar performers.
Winners will be announced within one month from each competition’s close date (usually much sooner).
While friends and siblings can work together on a performance project, only one Amazon gift card will be given to the first place team—but fun and glory can be had by all!
Upcoming Themes:
March 2020: Easter—give me songs or dances or scene performances about renewal, change, or the resurrection of Christ.
April 2020: Mothers (so that we can post these in time for Mother’s Day)
May 2020: “Lord I Lift Your Name on High”—yep, that’s right: everyone is interpreting the same song, in any creative way they choose (dance; mime; singing; rapping puppets, etc.). Hopefully, we will edit these together into a fun compilation.
June 2020: Freedom
July 2020: Bible Stories
August 2020: Home