Online School as an Only Child
by Caylee Lamb
Work desk with laptop and smartphone with coffee by Ganjar Handiarsyah from Getty Images
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“Oh you’re so lucky, I wish I was an only child.” Alas, a phrase an only child is so used to hearing. If you read Tirzah Hopkins’ article called “Family First,” and you couldn’t quite relate to living in a family of eleven, this one might just be for you. Online school looks different for everyone, and this is my experience doing online school as an only child.
Yes, I am an only child. I live with my mom, my dad, our dog, and two cats. I have never experienced having to go outside and play with my siblings. I have never had to figure out how to get along with brothers and sisters, unless you count my best friends. I hardly ever have to leave a room because it’s too loud and I can’t concentrate on school. I have no idea what it would be like to live in a big family and have to work around so many extra people. Online school is so flexible it can work for families of all sizes, like Tirzah’s or mine.
Balancing school and the rest of your life can appear difficult, at times they seem so separate from each other. I can easily do my schooling alone, quietly in my room without being disturbed. Clearly, my day looks different than those with siblings, and that’s wonderful. But being an only child does come with some difficulties. Oftentimes, people are worried because it seems as though I don’t have a lot of interaction with others. I can say now that online school can be greatly beneficial for those with a small family.
The top myth for only children who go to online school would be that we don’t get enough interaction. Teams is a great place to interact with others at school across the globe. Between my friends on Teams, my friends where I live, and those I’ve met through the Navigator, I can assure you that I am hardly ever bored. If you too are an only child who goes to this fabulous online school, please feel free to reach out to me on Teams, I’d love to hear from you! Seriously, don’t be shy.
If you’re not an only child, and doing school alone, quietly in your room sounds like a dream to you, I highly recommend you check out Tirzah’s article entitled “Family First.” She gives some great advice about dealing with siblings and includes some benefits. Even as an only child, her article inspired and reminded me that family is so important. Shoutout to all the only children out there doing online school.