Student Council Election Season

By Lydia N.

This is the time when the student body gets to vote on the next round of student council (also referred to as StuCo) members! For extra information, go to the Elections Team in NorthStar Academy’s official Microsoft Teams server.

If you know someone you think would be good on student council next year, be sure to nominate them with the form in the Nominations Channel. If you want to be on StuCo, be sure to nominate yourself as well! We’re accepting Nominations from March 27 - April 10

Please note that anyone who gets nominated will still have to apply for Student Council if they want a position. They may apply for a different position than the position they were nominated for. Being nominated does not guarantee you a spot on student council, nor does it mean that you must run if you are nominated. It is simply a way to encourage other students to run, or let Staff and Faculty know that you plan on running!

If you want to run for student council, make sure to apply in the Applications Channel. The application form will have a short welcome video as well as a list of questions to determine if student council is a good fit for you! We're accepting applications from April 11 - April 24.

Next comes campaigning, where StuCo candidates can show the student body why they should be elected and follow fun campaign challenges. If you are running for a High School Grade Representative or a position on the Leadership Team, you will participate in campaigning. Middle School and Elementary School Grade Reps will be campaigning in their own buildings next fall. Only those running for the Leadership Team or a High School Rep need to worry about campaigning in the Elections Team. All other StuCo positions will be appointed! Each campaigner will get their own channel to manage in the Elections Team. People who have applied for other positions and are waiting to be appointed may use this time to introduce themselves to the community and showcase skill sets if they wish, but it isn't mandatory. Campaigning will last from May 1 - May 8.

If you are in 8-12 grade, you will vote for the upcoming Leadership Team and High School Representatives. Please only vote for your own grade-level representative. For example, if you are finishing 11th grade this year, then you should vote for the 12th Grade Rep, as that is the Rep that will be yours next year! Voting lasts from May 8 - May 14.

If you have any questions, you can email on the official NSA Outlook server. 

Columns: 🎉NSA Events

Lydia N. lives in Kansas City with her mom, stepdad, and dog, Pippin. This is her third year at NSA, her second on Student Council, and her second as the Editor-in-Chief for The NorthStar Navigator. She hopes to pursue a career in digital marketing and graphic design in the future, as well as pursue her acting and singing dreams.