The NSA Career Fair

by Aaron Cady

One of the best things about NorthStar is that students don’t have to worry about missing out on what a student at a brick-and-mortar school gets to experience. Students at NSA can join clubs, socialize with classmates, and participate in contests. Recently, the Student Council helped host a career fair for NSA students. Participants were able to meet with different types of professionals over a three-day period. Students could learn about different options and careers available to them after high school. Joining also counted toward the NSA Connect assignment in core high school classes. 

The career fair was a new idea for this year. The person behind it was student council president Cody Johnson. “The career fair was my brainchild! After experiencing a career fair at a local brick-and-mortar Christian school, I wanted to bring a similar opportunity to students at NSA,” he said. “Career fairs and similar events don't have to be restricted to brick-and-mortar schools; in many ways, we have even more opportunities with the diversity present at NSA.” From April 2 to April 4, students learned about various careers, completely online. Some of the careers included research operations, church ministry, teaching, manufacturing, counseling and play therapy, pediatrics, and engineering. “Some sessions focused on practical advice, including a session about career exploration, a session with NorthStar alumna Morgan Raines, and a round table with current NSA seniors,” Cody explained. The career fair was one of the student council’s projects for this year, and it was a success. “We certainly hope that it can return next year with more speakers and sessions,” said Cody. 

The student council has other events coming up. Two big ones are the student council elections and NSA’s Got Talent. The elections started on April 29 and will continue until May 27. Right now, the process is in the nominations part. The nominations will end on May 5, and then the process will move into the campaigning period. Voting will occur from May 21 to May 27 and the results will be announced after. NSA's Got Talent is open for entries and will be until May 11. The judging will occur from May 18 to May 27, and then the winners will be announced. If you want more information, you can go to Student Body > Announcements. 

If you’re interested in the career fair, you can watch the recordings of the sessions here

Aaron Cady is a junior at NorthStar and has been part of the school for five years. He has written for the Navigator for two years. Aaron loves writing, sports, and any mixtures of the two. Aaron hopes to pursue a career in writing or journalism when he graduates.