Why I Joined the Navigator
By Aaron C.
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I’ve written for the Navigator for three years. I started during my sophomore year, in 2018. Back then, it was all done on First Class. I submitted my articles and pictures to the editors each month. Every writer was able to choose their own topic, and then write articles on it. The newspaper was completely student-run. However, that began to change in 2019. By the start of my junior year, the Navigator had become an NSA class with a teacher advisor.
As a class, the Navigator became much more NSA-focused. Instead of choosing what to write for the month, I was assigned an article about a student, teacher, or class at NSA. I was able to collaborate better with my fellow writers. The change from FirstClass to the Navigator class has helped me get to know the school, its students, and the teachers much better.
I chose to join the Navigator because I have always enjoyed writing. From creative writing to journalism, writing has been something that interests me. When I started high school, I began to look for opportunities to write and grow in that skill. The Navigator looked like a perfect opportunity for me. I joined the staff for the 2018-19 school year, and I have stayed on ever since.
Looking back, joining the Navigator was a great choice. It helped me grow as a writer and team worker. I researched and wrote about topics that I never would have otherwise. I interviewed students, teachers, and administrators that I would not have met. I learned about various aspects and features of NSA that I didn’t know existed. Learning all of this, writing about it, and being able to share it was a great privilege.
Before I joined the Navigator, I was unsure if I wanted to be a part of a newspaper. I am more of an introverted person, and I didn’t know how I would fit into the team. I was nervous about weekly and monthly deadlines. Fortunately, I chose to sign up, and all of my worries proved to be wrong. My fellow Navigator writers and editors and the teacher advisor, Mrs. April Meyer, were all easy to work with and helpful. The monthly deadlines were occasionally stressful, but the flexibility and design of the class made it much less difficult.
I am very glad that I wrote for the Navigator. It proved to bring me many benefits, both expected and unexpected. I would recommend it to anyone who is considering joining, improving their writing, or looking for an extra activity to do. It truly is a great class and experience for anyone at NSA.
Columns: 🗞️Staff Stories
Aaron C. is a senior at North Star. He has attended NSA for six years and has written for the Navigator for three of those years. Journalism is one of his passions, and he hopes to continue with it after graduation.