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Hello everyone! Welcome to Nav Advice, a new series where students can submit questions or situations they need advice on, and a Navigator writer will do their best to answer them! This can include advice on how to handle friendships, school, extracurriculars, college stuff, and more. I hope you enjoy!
Although you may be familiar with the Navigator as NorthStar’s school newspaper, you may not know that it is also a class—and a class you are invited to join! As the 2025-2026 school year approaches, the time to sign up for new courses is nigh. While considering what classes you would like to take, consider NAVI280e. Why? Below are five reasons why the Navigator is the class for you.
The world behind Navi went up in flickering tongues of fire. Crimson lasers pierced through the violet glow. Within seconds, the sentinel had set the spaceship ablaze, turning the glimmering remains to a blistering furnace. The robot’s eyes, two narrow screens in his metal skin, rested their deadly gaze on the newcomers.
Hey, Navi found a hint to his adventure in The Adventures of Navi Vol.2: Introductions. However, he is confused because it appears to be ciphered, so he cannot read it. Can you help him decipher this curious message?
If you are ready for a new puzzling challenge, check out the Navigator Crossword Puzzle below, which was created by a member of the Navigator staff. Below the Crossword Puzzle is the set of questions you are trying to answer using the articles in our February 2025 Publication.
If you are ready for a new puzzle, check out the Navigator Search-A-Word below created by a member of the Navigator staff. Below the Search-A-Word is the list of words you can find in the puzzle, good luck Navigators!
Whether you are a devoted member of the NorthStar Gaming Club, an enjoyer of video games who is not in the club, or simply someone who loves strategy, Civilization V is a game you would probably love. Civilization V is the fifth installment in the much-loved Civilization franchise, a series of turn-based 4X Grand Strategy games. Published in 2010 by Firaxis Games, Civilization V is considered to be one of the franchises’ best.
NorthStar has given me a variety of ways to grow my creative writing skills. Working as a journalist for the Navigator has given me many opportunities to write fiction and nonfiction alike. I wrote this story because of my love for storytelling and humor, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share it with you.
Ciphers have been around for hundreds of years. If you want a prime example of a cipher, try learning a new language. You will be stuck on that cipher for years until you finally can crack the code. Ciphers have been used as a way of secret communication as well as purely just for fun! Our minds love deciphering and finding the answers to seemingly impossible equations and puzzles.
The Navigator staff brings you memes about life at NSA and here at the Navigator. (Mrs. Meyer has not created a meme as she does not really understand them, even though people try to explain them to her, but that doesn’t help.) We thought it would be fun to do something new and have memes in this publication. Enjoy!
“Letters to Juliet” is back! This Valentine’s Day, Juliet will be answering some of your questions about relationships and love. Below is the fourth edition of the Navigator’s top advice!
Did you know laughter is a great form of stress relief (Mayo Clinic Staff)? Laughing can have biological effects on our bodies that help reduce the physical symptoms of stress. In an environment like school, where students and teachers are surrounded by stress, humor is important. It makes lessons more engaging, brings students together, and provides outlets for students to have fun.
If you are ready for a new puzzling challenge, check out the Navigator Crossword Puzzle below, which was created by a member of the Navigator staff. Below the Crossword Puzzle is the set of questions you are trying to answer using the articles in our February 2025 Publication.
Have you ever wanted to share your artwork with others? Have you sought inspiration for your next project? You may wish just to browse various artworks from different students. Then look no further than the Visual Arts Club, a student-led club that brings many art forms to life!
In fourteenth century Italy, wealth was expanding, literature was blooming, and art was reforming. During the Renaissance, art changed and amplified as new artists appeared everywhere. Even though the Renaissance was a pivotal period in the world's history, it is not the only time famous artists were produced. When talking about artists, it could mean anyone, from Da Vinci to local artists. Due to the wide variety, the Navigator took to NorthStar students to get their opinion on who is their favorite artist.
Greetings everyone! I am proud to introduce the first in a series of stories starring NorthStar’s very own Navi! This will be a continuous story that will be handed off to a different person on the Navigator each publication. We hope that everyone will tune in for each new chapter in this epic new adventure!
In an English assignment I completed recently, my teacher asked me to write about a plot twist in my life. Immediately, I knew just what to say.
If you are ready for a new puzzle, check out the Navigator Search-A-Word below created by a member of the Navigator staff. Below the Search-A-Word is the list of words you can find in the puzzle, good luck Navigators!
NorthStar Academy offers a multitude of student programs. From classes, to clubs, to events and more, NSA is anything but short on student offerings. One of the programs offered is the tutoring program. Sometimes students need extra help with their classes. This is where NSA’s tutors come in.
Congratulations, you are less than six hundred words away from achieving your moment of glory as NSA’s current comedian! Welcome fellow NSAers, here is your step-by-step guide to living the life you always knew you wanted.
Rayman Legends is a 2-Dimensional platformer made by Ubisoft. It was released on August 29, 2013, as the most recent installment in the Rayman franchise to come to consoles. However, compared to many of Ubisoft’s other third and first person titles, such as hits like Assassin’s Creed, Splinter Cell, or Far Cry, it is relatively unknown.
What do you like to do in your free time? Perhaps you enjoy playing sports, reading at your local library, making bracelets, or hanging out with your friends. One of the blessings of online school is that it allows you to chat with students on the other side of the globe from the convenience of your bedroom. However, online school does have a significant downside. Your parents might not be able to afford the plane tickets you need to meet some of your classmates in person. Not to worry, though–-there are ways for you to meet with international NorthStar students minus the high cost of traveling.
Back in 2020, two YouTubers I often watched released a video where they talked about their spiritual deconstruction journey. These two men were former missionaries in eastern Europe and had been leaders in their church. I was only twelve years old when they released this video, so I did not want to watch it. Thinking my faith was not strong enough at the time to handle hearing a critique of Christianity, I completely stopped watching their YouTube channel.
As Part 1 of this article explored, there are a few specific policies and issues that NSA students care about the most - namely abortion, illegal immigration, foreign wars, the economy, and the LGBTQ+ community. Now that these views are clear, the question arises: how exactly does the media they consume affect their views?
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