A Catalyst for Joy
By Mrs. Stephanie Shafer
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For the last couple of months, I have been focusing on Psalm 16, specifically verses 2 and 11. I want to share what God has been impressing upon my heart. I love that when God wants to teach us something, He often does so in multiple ways. Does it excite you when God connects ideas, people, and themes in your life? Jesus seems to be weaving a theme of “abundant joy” in my life. True and unexplainable joy comes from a relationship with Jesus. One of my favorite verses is John 15:5,
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5: ESV
I love that Jesus often uses pictures. The illustration in this verse is one that is commonly found in nature. He is the vine, we are the branches, and we bear His fruits. We, the branches, must stay connected to the vine, receiving His thoughts, His ways, and His heart for others. I know that for me, and probably also for you, we want to make an impact on this world. The word that has been on my heart lately is “catalyst.” Specifically, how can I be a catalyst of God’s fullness of joy? Psalm 16:11 gives us an answer.
“You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
Psalm 16:11: ESV
Remaining in His presence allows me to experience His fullness of joy. For me, staying in His presence means that no matter the circumstances surrounding me, my eyes remain focused on Jesus. His voice is the loudest. Meditating on His word keeps me united with the vine. This connection allows us and those around us to experience God’s joy. It is an opportunity to share the love of Christ, the catalyst for our joy.
As we are abiding in the vine, He lights up our path. We are not left to guess or to figure it out. Sometimes, He does ask us to wait. The waiting can be dark and feel joyless. But, I am often reminded that God calls His people to a life of faith. Faith when the path is lit and that same faith when it is dark. Continuing to remain in the vine, we can ask God for that faith. We can choose to remember the incredible future that awaits those of us in Christ. We know that we will experience eternal pleasures when we are in heaven with Jesus.
“I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
I have no good apart from you.”
Psalm 16:2: ESV
The path of life can also feel overwhelming when we allow pressure from ourselves and others. This stress tries to rob us of our joy. But verse 2 reveals to me that there is nothing good I can accomplish on my own. I cannot be a catalyst of His joy apart from Him. This verse is Good News! We can take the pressure off. It is not up to us! Only as I remain in His presence will Jesus be able to use me as a catalyst for His joy and for spreading His fruit. So, as we journey through the rest of 2023 and head into 2024, I encourage you to meditate on these verses and rest in the Ultimate Catalyst and Wonderful Counselor, our Savior Jesus!
Columns: 📣A Word From Admin ✝️Spiritual Life