NorthStar Clubs Open This Fall: An Interview with This Year’s Club Coordinators
By Onyinyechi U.
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Are you a writer, a musician, or a chef? There’s something for everyone in the NorthStar clubs, opening this fall!
The Club Coordinators this year are Naomi E. and Max H.! In this interview, they told me their plans for the clubs of NorthStar.
What is your name, age and grade?
Naomi: My name is Naomi, I’m sixteen and in grade 10.
Max: My name is Maxence, Max for short. I am currently 16 years old and I am a senior.
Tell me about your past experience working with Clubs. What was it like?
Naomi: So I was a club leader last year–the creative writing club to be specific, and I had a lot of fun. There were some problems we had to work on as a team, and it was hard to do the work of multiple people, but I think that the things I learned from it, from how to communicate with my team, to leading a club were invaluable.
Max: In the previous years I have been working with the Language Club since its debut. Alongside my long lasting club leader, Rachel, we learned ways to spur the activity. Some of these included posting daily questions, posting more in the ESL channel, hosting monthly calls, and more.
Why did you decide to be a Club Coordinator this year?
Naomi: I decided to apply, because I wanted to make sure no one else had to go through what I did alone, and I could make sure they had reliable support if they needed it. They would know I had been through it too and would be able to help, with actual past experience as both a club leader [of] probably the third most active club.
Max: As a person I am not one that easily manages to keep up with all the activity happening around campus and am quite introverted. Therefore, when my sister introduced me to the idea and after having thought about it a long time, I thought it could be a nice challenge for myself. I mainly decided to run for Club Coordinator because I had past experience with the clubs and therefore wanted to continue in that area.
How does your experience with Clubs last year influence your plans for this year?
Naomi: I think I pretty much covered this, but I would have to say I wanted to make a really good support system for others, so they have people to rely on.
Max: As previously mentioned I have experience with the language [club] and it was a slow club. This impacts my plans for this year because I really want to help my leaders improve their club activity if they are having trouble and make clubs more popular around campus. I would also love for there to be more clubs, perhaps a STEM club, but for that we need leaders.
What do you hope to do as a Club Coordinator this year?
Naomi: I hope to make clubs more of a big deal, with a greater amount of participation. I would love to see more events hosted by club leaders, more communication with the Student Council members to promote what is going on in their clubs, as well as helping host calls for things such as the Christmas radio show, and other events.
Max: First, I would make myself available to my leaders this year, whether it may be about spreading the word, helping with tasks, finding them help, or being a last minute cry of help. Second, I want to make the buzz for clubs, some naturally have it and others don’t.
What are any new ideas you have for the clubs this year?
Naomi: Currently, we have some suggestions for new clubs, such as a debate club, and a business club for aspiring entrepreneurs. I think it would be really cool for Club Leaders to be able to directly have a way to talk to StuCo members, I think that would be really good for promoting the clubs and getting school-wide participation.
Max: I believe having an All Club Call would be really fun and give a chance to learn about different clubs. I would hope to host this call once or every two months where we could play interactive games, update each other, discover new things, etc. Depending on how this can be executed, we could hopefully host the call in the High School building under a channel, allowing any student, whether part of the clubs or not, to join the calls. Overall, my main objectives for this position include helping my leaders and spreading the buzz.
Columns: 👤NSA People 🏘️Clubs
Onyinyechi U. lives in Pennsylvania with her parents and two siblings. She is a tenth grader, and this is her third year at NSA. She recently started writing for the Navigator. In her free time, she enjoys writing novels, plays, and poetry.