A Special Thank You For A Special Teacher
By The Navigator Staff
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The 2020-21 school year was full of uncertainty and adventure for many brick-and-mortar students around the globe. With so much still going on in the world, teachers, students, and staff alike found themselves still learning how to adjust to an online learning environment. Here at NorthStar Academy, students continued to relish in their own personal academic successes. This success is largely due to the teachers -- whose patience and dedication inspires their students, no matter the situation. One of these teachers is the Navigator’s own faculty advisor: Mrs. April Meyer.
As we look to post our final publication for the school year, the Nav staff couldn’t let an opportunity go by and not say a few words of encouragement to the person who never failed to encourage us.
From the Navigator staff members:
Dear Mrs. Meyer,
The first class that I had with you was Honors Language Arts 9, and that was my favorite class of my freshman year. I loved everything from the books I read to the essays I wrote, but the best part of all was your feedback, encouragement, and enthusiasm. When I heard that you were going to be the teacher advisor for the Navigator, my excitement level for the class rose. You have made the Nav staff such a fun and relaxed place to work and helped me improve as a writer and grow as a part of NSA. Thank you for all that you have done over the past few years, both in and out of the classroom. Most of all, thank you for letting me know that I wasn’t the only Packers fan I knew!
Dear Mrs. Meyer,
I’m having difficulty sharing all of my thank you’s under the word count, but I’m going to give it my best shot! I want to say thank you not only for being the Navigator teacher/advisor, but for being the encouragement we all needed throughout the school year. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to join the Nav staff this year. You have truly been amazing, encouraging me not only with my studies, but when I was going through a difficult time. I saw a quote the other day from a fellow advocate, Malala Yousafzai. It said: “One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world.” Thank you, Mrs. Meyer, for showing me I can still use my words to make a difference when my voice fails.
Mrs. Meyer,
Thank you so much for being an amazing teacher! I know that you truly care for each and every one of your students. I’m beyond grateful to have had you as my Language Arts teacher my first and second year at NSA. Thank you for accepting the challenge to be the teacher advisor for the Navigator class. You do so much to help us with publication; you are kind and give us gracious directions each step of the way. Thank you for leading our live session every other week and making it a class I enjoyed going to! As the EIC, I know the Navigator holds a special place in both of our hearts and you do more for this newspaper than you realize. I can honestly say that you and the Navigator have helped me through difficult times these past few years.
Praying for you always,
-Caylee :)
Mrs. Meyer,
I can’t thank you enough for putting up with my constant emails, continuous clarifying questions, and that you have had to deal with the fact that I usually have no idea what I’m doing. You bring genuine enthusiasm and fun energy to the class that makes me forget that I’m doing schoolwork. I feel so lucky that I have you for both the Navigator and American Literature Honors. You have made reading and analyzing literature and writing articles and essays so much more enjoyable because of the way you always bring encouragement, constructive criticism, and an inspiring eagerness to learn to every class. Thank you for everything you do for me and the rest of the Navigator staff, it’s a joy to be your student and learn from you.
Mrs. Meyer,
You have been such an inspiration to the Navigator Staff this year, and especially to me. I had a dream in 7th grade to start a school newspaper at my homeschooling co-op, and though they made a class for it, it was discarded by my 8th grade year, and nothing was ever published. When I heard that NSA had a school newspaper, I was so excited! I was so blessed that I got you as a teacher this year. Thank you for everything you have done for me, and the whole Navigator staff. - Lydia
Dear Mrs. Meyer,
Like Aaron, my first class with you was my ninth grade Language Arts Honors class. I am sad to say that it was not my favorite class, but I am happy to say that you made it a class I could look back on fondly instead of with horror. I really struggled with that class - it was my first honors one, and Language Arts has always been one of my weak points. But you were so patient with me and helped me every time I needed it. Because of you, I was able to finish that class with an A. Since then, you've never changed - you've been there for me in every one of my high school years, patient, helpful, funny, and never even giving me a hint of annoyance for my constant questions that usually had obvious answers. You've always been encouraging with my articles even when they weren't the best, and in every way been a steady guide for me, someone I know I can always go to when I'm in trouble, be it with a school matter or even something in my life outside of NorthStar. The Navigator would never have gotten off the ground the way it did without you, and I know I'd be a different person if I didn't have you as one of my role models. Your abilities to gently correct me when I needed it without it sounding like a condemnation, always be patient and helpful no matter what, and perhaps most importantly, your ability to laugh no matter what's going on in your life have astounded me from the first live session. You are someone I can truly aspire to be like "when I grow up", and I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me personally and the Navigator as a whole.
Your student,
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American author, William Arthur Ward, sums up the impact of a great teacher with the following quote: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
On behalf of the 20-21 Navigator staff, Mrs. Meyer, thank you for everything you do and all you inspire us to be!