Anticipating the New Dawn
By Mrs. April Meyer
Sunrise by the Sea by Mike Pellinni Photography; Created in Canva
As a teacher, I should be excited as we come to the beginning of June–cheering for the seniors who have completed their high school journey. But this year, that celebration is mixed with a bit of reserve. Our three seniors on the Navigator staff, Janna, Keenan, and John, have been my students for several years, and they are leaders who have encouraged their fellow staff members; the quality of our newspaper is a testament to their inspiring guidance. I have watched them grow and mature from a much younger age, and I don’t feel quite prepared to let them go just yet. I want to watch them walk their path for a bit longer.
Ay, there’s the rub as a teacher!
These past few years, the world has seemed a bit darker for many, but knowing that students like Janna, Keenan, and John are taking their lights with them helps me to anticipate a brighter future! I know that they will continue to lead and encourage others, and I can send them off joyfully.
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