Dear NorthStar Academy,
By Lydia N.
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Growing up is hard. With youth comes unconditional nurture, but no knowledge. With adolescence comes knowledge, but a sudden distaste for the safety we once craved. Exhilarated by the vast expanse of opportunity that lies before us, we oftentimes rush off without looking back. We get so enthralled in the excitement of the future, we can forget to thank the people who helped us along the way.
I have been on The Navigator for four years. Every year, there has been a tradition that each staff member writes an article about their NorthStar journey. I have already written on NSA’s flexibility, its Christ-centered community, and how it has equipped me for the future. For my final NSA Story, I want to look back and thank the people who have helped me grow into the person I am today.
Without further ado, here is my love letter to the loving school that has given me so much these past four years.
Dear Teachers,
You are an undeserved gift. Teachers have incredible power over young minds. Your job requires patience, wisdom, and a never-ending outpour of emotional support. Each of you has pushed me and challenged me to become a better person. You might not have given a second thought to that encouraging feedback or inviting Teams message. For me, those are moments that will stick with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for the gift of knowledge.
Dear Faculty,
I know that you sometimes go unthanked, keeping NorthStar afloat by handling issues that we do not even know exist. You are the backbone of NSA, and so many people rely on you without realizing it. Thank you for leading this school and having such a passion for NSA. Thank you for the gift of guidance.
Dear Mentors,
You have been an instrumental part of my life as I have grown into a young adult, and I feel the need to thank each of you personally.
Mrs. Meyer:
Thank you for your constant guidance and support. I am beyond honored to have someone whom I respect so highly and who truly desires my opinion and perspective. You have made my journalist dreams come true.
Mrs. V.:
What can I say? You have completely changed my life. Having you in my life during High School was one of the best things that could have happened to me. You made me confident, you made me strong, and you showed me the full extent of God’s peace and security. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mr. Hester:
You never fail to make me laugh, and you never fail to make me feel respected. Your strength and humility as a leader are values I aspire to imitate. Thank you for your devotion to helping the student body grow, as students and as Christians.
Mr. Deitch:
You are incredibly wise. Your ideas and passion for the students at NorthStar come out every time I see you. Thank you for inspiring me to take the initiative and accomplish my goals.
Mrs. Shafer:
You have been my cheerleader since Day 1. You encouraged me to be on Student Council and have given me countless opportunities at NorthStar. Thank you for sticking by me throughout High School, and being a constant source of support in my life.
Mrs. Casto:
While you are no longer at NSA, you were such an influential part of my life. You taught me so much about graphic design and what it means to be part of a team. Thank you for being such a good friend to me.
Mrs. Armstrong:
You have taught me what it means to be reliable and hardworking. You are confident but humble. I am so blessed to have gotten to work with someone so dedicated.
You have all encouraged me and helped me love the person that I am. Thank you for the gift of confidence.
Dear Friends,
Many times in my life I have made friends that slowly faded away. However, the friendships I have made here will stay with me forever. I have finally found people that understand me. Thank you to each and every one of you that I have had the pleasure of talking to and interacting with during these four years. The laughs, calls, audio messages, and inside jokes are experiences that I will treasure forever. Thank you for the gift of joy.
Dear Family,
I can not write a love letter to NSA without mentioning the people who raised me. My mom, dad, and stepdad are the reasons I have even an ounce of ambition. Mommy, thank you for encouraging me to chase my dreams and for teaching me the values of hard work, resilience, and a good sense of humor. Daddy, thank you for teaching me that life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. DT, thank you for carrying me through every emotional trial and leading me to God’s everlasting peace. Thank you all for the gift of unconditional support.
Dear God,
What a wild ride this has been! You have led me into some of the most incredible (and most terrifying) circumstances these past four years, but I have come out so much stronger and closer to You than before. Thank you for being with me through every challenge and trial, and for blessing me with gifts beyond anything I could imagine. Thank you for the gift of peace.
NorthStar, you have given me the gifts of knowledge, guidance, confidence, joy, unconditional support, and peace for four years.
Thank you so much for everything.
Lydia N.
Columns: 👤NSA People 🗞️Staff Stories
Lydia N. is starting her fourth year on The NorthStar Navigator and her third as editor-in-chief. She is also the vice president of student council this year and enjoys traveling, singing, acting, performing on stage, writing, reading, watching shows, drinking coffee and tea, hanging out with friends, and cuddling with her dog, Pippin. She plans to go to a college near her home and start her own business after high school with all the skills that StuCo and the Navigator have taught her.