Navigator Crossword Puzzle for December Publication 2024

If you are ready for another round of some puzzling fun, check out the Navigator Crossword Puzzle below, which was created by a member of the Navigator staff. Below the Crossword Puzzle is the set of questions you are trying to answer using the articles in our December 2024 Publication.

Question Rules: If an answer is multiple words, insert them into the crossword puzzle as one word without spaces.

Question List:

1. According to the article Analyzing The Navigator’s Positions, which position mentioned works closely with the PR Representative?

2. Inside the article Though He Slay Me: Hope in Dark Places, what is the name of the king of Amara?

3. What is the second part of the Requiem in the article The Message of Mozart’s Requiem?

4. According to the article When High School Feels Like College, besides coffee shops where else do students enjoy studying while traveling?

5. In the article NSA’s Student-Athletes: Football Edition the abbreviation TCK is mentioned, but what does it mean?

6.In the article Seasons of Transition, there is someone quoted who is not in the Bible, so who is quoted?

7. What is the online location for Chat-based Roleplays at NorthStar Academy according to the article Let’s Roleplay: An NSA Connection to the World of Imagination?

8. What modern invention is said to be a ‘rabbit hole’ in the article, The Media We Consume?

9. Which Christmas creature is mentioned in the article The Christmas Radio Show?

10. In the article NSA’s Got Talent, which type of ball is mentioned as the ball thrown by the winner of the Elementary School Building?

11. What is the name of the winning short story in the article The Winner of the Creative Writing Club Contest?

12. Inside the article A Look Into NSA Student’s Political Opinions - Part 1 what is the first political issue mentioned?

PDF Version of Crossword Puzzle to Print: Link to PDF
PDF Version of Crossword Puzzle Answer Key: Link to PDF