New Years Resolutions of the Navigator Staff
By Karis Taylor
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New Years resolutions. You either love them or you hate them. Most people love the idea of them, but over 90% of goal setters who even get around to setting them only last about a month. As a matter of fact, most New Years resolutions are abandoned by January 17th. I, personally, love them, and at the end of every year I always get together with my sister and some friends and we all set goals and resolutions together.
Regardless of where you stand on New Years resolutions and goals, the staff of the Navigator is here to demonstrate that goals and resolutions can be short and sweet. They can be one word that you prioritize this year like, “boldness” or “embrace.” They don’t have to be elaborate or characterized by grandeur; they’re simply to refocus and revitalize things that you have lost focus of.
Brooke Foster
What are some of your personal and spiritual goals or New Years resolutions for 2021?
I think my resolution is going to be really focusing on accomplishing my goals but also make sure I take care of myself this year. 2020 was a whirlwind and I’m determined to do better in 2021! Also, I’m determined to write a screenplay this year. Spiritually, I really want to take time this year to strengthen my relationship with God and be able to figure out what His next plans are for me. The next few months are going to be crazy as I plan life after High School, but I know there’s a plan for me. Just need to be able to listen to it and know it’ll all work out as He planned it :)
Aaron Cady
What are some of your personal and spiritual goals or New Years resolutions for 2021?
My resolution for this year is to wake up earlier and be productive in the morning. A spiritual goal would be to be more consistent and intentional in prayer and reading the Bible.
Tirzah Hopkins
What are some of your personal and spiritual goals or New Years resolutions for 2021?
I don't generally make New Years' Resolutions, but some things I'll be working on this year are:
being a better and more skilled lifeguard, being a harder and more willing worker, being considerate of others and careful with my words, living for my family instead of myself, getting better grades and caring about school, becoming someone people turn to in need. My goal spiritually will be trusting the Lord more, even if it feels like He isn't here. My goal is also studying the Word more and reading the writings of wiser Christians before me.
Lydia Novak
What are some of your personal and spiritual goals or New Years resolutions for 2021?
My resolution for this year is to exercise more, read my Bible more, and not take things for granted. I love to act and sing, and this year, I want to get better at those things. I also want to work harder at everything I do and make sure that I don't take the simple things for granted, like having a roof over my head, or a pencil and paper to write with.
Izabell Wright
What are some of your personal goals or New Years resolutions for 2021?
My number one goal is to strengthen and pursue Christ-like affection and try to be genuinely kind. Another goal is to solidify my identity in Christ and become more confident of it. I also want to dedicate myself to the things that matter to me.
Karis Taylor
What are some of your personal and spiritual goals or New Years resolutions for 2021?
I love New Years resolutions, so naturally, I have a lot. I really want to be more intentional when it comes to prioritizing my relationships and pursuing friendships with the people around me. I also want to continue pursuing Christ. If 2020 taught me one thing, is was how to be vulnerable with the Lord and I want to continue growing in that. I also want to learn how to step back. I’m really guilty of burning myself out by doing school, with work and dancing; I tend to go through life as a check list of productivity and I’d like to learn how to rest better this year. Hence why the word I’ve chosen for 2021 is stillness.
Caylee Lamb
What are some of your personal and spiritual goals or New Years resolutions for 2021?
This year I want to be more aware of the things that I do out of habit everyday, like making my bed or touching my face a million times a day xD. If I were to choose a word for this year, I'd love it to be the year of novelty for me. But nothing crazy, only good new things : ). Spiritually, my goal for this year is to read the Bible everyday, not just a single verse. I want to carve out time to spend with the Lord everyday and read His word.
Columns: 🗞️Staff Stories
Karis Taylor lives in the Middle East with her parents and two of her three siblings. She is an 11th grader and has been a student at NorthStar for three years. She has been dancing for most of her life and is completely in love with the art of ballet. In addition to being a writer on the Navigator staff, Karis is also a member of the National Honor Society and works at her dance studio as a ballet teacher for 3-5 year olds. She hopes to pursue a career in athletic training or physical therapy in the future.