NSA Talent Search Needs You!  

by Kaylen Lane

Need more drama in your life? Then the North Star Talent Search is meant for you! Mrs. Foster, the theater teacher for North Star Academy, is presenting The North Star Talent Search. Each month features a new performing challenge that can be approached creatively through singing, dancing, or acting. It is for all students, no matter their age or courses they are taking.

There is also a modest $10 Amazon gift card for the first-place performer, and both winners and honorable mentions will be featured on North Star social media.

Two months ago, in September, the theme was Broadway. Congratulations to the winners!

Honorable Mentions: 

Maddie Jewett (9th, Idaho) "Once Upon a December" from Anastasia

Elysia Ring-Howell (7th, Connecticut)  for "The Wizard and I" from Wicked


Third place: 

Summer Covalt (7th, Florida) for "Think of Me" from The Phantom of the Opera

Second place: 

Rhianna Ring-Howell (10th, Connecticut) for "Dangerous to Dream" from Frozen


Tied for First Place:

Brooke Foster (11th, New Jersey) “Used to Be Mine” from Waitress



Cody Johnson (12th, Pennsylvania) “Everybody Says Don’t” from Anyone Can Whistle



  • Performers of any age can enter and are adjudicated in the same pool. Please include your grade level and home state (or country if outside the U.S.) with your submission.

  • Though some challenges will more easily fit into one category than another, you can choose to approach each challenge through singing, dancing, or acting. For example, you can write an original monologue based on a song, or perform a dance inspired by a psalm. All performers are encouraged to think creatively!

  • Winners and honorable mentions will be chosen by North Star’s Theatre teacher,  Stephanie Ann Foster.

  • Send all entries to Stephanie.Foster@NorthStar-Academy.org.

  • The competition for each month closes at midnight (every time zone) on the last day of that month.

  • By submitting to the contest, you are giving permission for your work to appear on social media, and also to possibly having your work edited into a compilation of North Star performers.

  • Winners will be announced within one month from each competition’s close date.

  • While friends and siblings can work together on a performance project, only one Amazon gift card will be given to the winning team—but fun and glory can be had by all!

October 2019: High Fantasy (think Narnia and LOTR)

November 2019: Christmas

December 2019: Psalms

January 2020: Science Fiction (time travel works…an older song from a specific era?)

February 2020: Disney

March 2020: Easter

April 2020: Mothers

May 2020: “Lord I Lift Your Name on High”

June 2020: Freedom

July 2020: Bible Stories

August 2020: Home

Kay Lane is a journalist for The Navigator. She currently resides in the Middle East with her family. Kay is in the seventh grade, and this is her first year at NSA. Her hobbies are archery, painting, and she plays soccer. She also loves Star Wars.