Preparing for the SAT
By Alexander M.
SAT Practice Questtions by Zimmytwss Images Created in Canva
The Scholastic Assessment Test, SAT for short, is one of the most important tests for college applicants to take. However, some students have trouble on the SAT because they do not prepare for it. This article will go over how a student would prepare for the online format of the SAT, which will be used from the spring of 2024 onward. The SAT is split into four main sections with two going over reading and English concepts, while the other two handle math concepts. This test can be extremely daunting to students since it lasts two hours and 15 minutes (College Board). However, with the correct preparation a student can go into the SAT well-equipped.
There is one thing to be aware of prior to taking the SAT. The questions on the SAT are designed to be extremely difficult and can sometimes attempt to trick students. Due to this fact, preparation for the SAT becomes even more crucial, since a prepared student can sometimes see through tricky questions.
The first half of the SAT involves reading short passages and then answering questions regarding the passage. This portion of the SAT covers a span of 64 minutes including two 32-minute modules that each contain 27 questions (College Board). Linda Anderson, the SAT Verbal-Writing Preparation teacher at NorthStar Academy, says that “One of the most effective preparation techniques for students is reading.” She says that this is important since it gives students a heightened vocabulary as well as getting students accustomed to reading the longer passages in the SAT.
Besides this, there are two other main tools of preparation that a student may employ to help them prepare for the first portion of the SAT. Firstly, a student can work on understanding basic Latin and Greek root words to better understand any unfamiliar words in the SAT’s passages. Secondly, a student will want to try reading documents outside their comfort zone including essays, scientific studies, longer articles, and poems. This will get students used to seeing the different kinds of literature that are found on the SAT.
The second portion of the SAT includes two modules covering various math concepts from simple geometry to some Algebra II concepts. Each module contains 22 questions and lasts for 35 minutes (College Board). Amber Knapp, the SAT Math Preparation teacher at NorthStar Academy, suggests that students review concepts from Algebra I and II as well as some basic trigonometry and geometry concepts. This will help students be familiar with the math concepts presented on the SAT. Amber Knapp also says that “One helpful skill is learning how to use the graphing calculator.” She says that this is important because it provides students another way to analyze problems even if they are unable to work the problem out on paper.
Students can also seek help in this area of the SAT through looking at a variety of free online test resources on sites such as Khan Academy and College Board. These sites also provide great practice tests that can help get students comfortable with the long test period found on the SAT, which can seem daunting to students. SAT preparation classes are also available online through schools such as NorthStar Academy.
While the methods above will help a student prepare for the SAT, the best way to help increase your score on the SAT is to practice. One amazing fact is that a student can take the SAT as many times as they would like, and colleges will primarily look at a student’s highest score. This means that it is a great idea for a student to take the SAT multiple times for practice. This allows a student to not worry about getting the best grade the first time or two, but instead a student can focus on getting used to taking the SAT.
Overall, the SAT is an extremely important test for students preparing for college. This means that a student should prepare for the SAT in some way or another, since the test is designed to be extremely difficult. This structure helps colleges know how knowledgeable their applicants are by thoroughly testing them. For the first half of the SAT, it is recommended that a student focuses on practicing vocabulary and reading to best understand the given passages. For the second portion of the SAT, it is advised that a student works on reviewing algebra and geometry concepts that they might have forgotten over time. It is also a great idea for students to take practice tests prior to the SAT, since they will provide great insight into the test’s structure.
To learn more about the SAT’s format, view the article below:
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Alexander M. lives in Georgia, USA, with his parents and younger sister. He has been a student at NorthStar for a year and is just starting to write for the Navigator. He likes to play Minecraft with his friends and plays for the different esports teams here at NorthStar Academy.