Star Life: How NorthStar's Minecraft Survival Multi Player Server Works
By Graham S.
Game Over By teekid from Getty Images Signature; Created in Canva
Have you ever been curious as to how you start a Minecraft server or ever wanted to know more about maintaining one? This article contains the answers to both questions. The owner and manager of NorthStar's very own Minecraft SMP (Survival Multi Player) Server, Alexander M., has advice and information regarding his server and the skills and resources needed to create and maintain it.
According to Alex, in order to run a server, the owner needs to have good planning skills, especially if the owner intends to play with a lot of international players, since time zones can be difficult to keep track of and makes it difficult to find ideal times for everyone. The owner also needs to have lots of patience and a good provider, which is software that powers the server. Without a good provider, the server might glitch and lag, and without patience you might give up on trying to manage these problems. A server is powered by the owner’s computer, so having a low-quality computer can lead to increased technical issues like lag and glitches. Additionally, most servers need to be started up by the owner, which can be a complicated and sometimes long process.
However, while it can be stressful, the benefits of running a server far outweigh the negatives. The experience of being able to play and make friends with people from around the world and goof off is well worth it. Alex himself said that the primary reason he founded the server was, despite there already being a more official Minecraft server, there was little opportunity to do anything as a group, making it difficult for students to form close friendships and bonds through Minecraft.
Recently, Alex has hinted at the future of Star Life, saying there may be “different kinds of servers for different playstyles,” such as battle royals and other minigames. He also plans to create servers which players can jump into quickly for a bit to play around in, rather than having to join a server that is more competitive and requires more commitment to play in.
In summary, Star Life is NorthStar’s premiere Survival Multi Player server, but it’s also a great way to meet fellow students from across the world, form bonds and friendships, and simply relax and play Minecraft. Additionally, very soon it will have more options than just Survival, giving students more methods of enjoying it.
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Graham S. lives in Africa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has been studying at Northstar for two years and is in tenth grade. He enjoys reading, writing, video games, Dungeons and Dragons, and Warhammer 40k. He hopes to one day be an author but currently is enjoying being a journalist for the Navigator.