Thank You Mrs. Meyer!
By the Navigator Staff
Boat steering wheel by Orbon Alija from Getty Images Signature
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The NorthStar Navigator is only the newspaper it is today because of Mrs. Meyer - our hilarious, generous, huge-hearted teacher advisor! As a staff, we want to make sure she knows how loved she is, and that you all know how hard she works! So without further ado, here is why we love Mrs. Meyer!
Thank you Mrs. Meyer for a wonderful semester school year! I enjoyed being a part of the Navigator so much. I think that the writing, teamwork, and communication skills you learn while working with the Navigator are great. You’re an awesome teacher, Mrs. Meyer! I love how you made every session fun and exciting and that we had multiple sessions filled with laughter and hilarious jokes. The highlight of every second Friday this past year was finding out what would be the new, often absolutely funny, weather report. Thank you for everything, Mrs. Meyer!
- Keenan W.
Mrs. Meyer, I’ve been honored to work with you and know you for the last two years. Your stories of SWAT teams, spring-dressed mannequins, and vicious bunny rabbits never grow old! The Navigator is only what it is because of you. I don’t just consider you an amazing teacher and mentor, I consider you a good friend. Thank you for everything you do!
- Lydia N.
Mrs. Meyer, thank you so much for everything you do for your students and how much fun you have made working on the Navigator this year! I have learned so much from you not only from being on the Navigator but since I was your student my freshman year. You have always been a very memorable teacher for your enthusiasm and hard work. It wouldn’t have been the same without you. Thank you!
- Ava F.
Thank you Mrs. Meyer for a wonderful year! Thank you for all you do for the Navigator and its staff. I can always tell that you really do care about investing in your students and helping them grow. I don’t know where the Nav boat would be without you. At the bottom of the ocean probably. :D Thank you!!
- Rebecca C.
Mrs Meyer, this year has been a blast. The Navigator is my number one, favorite class on NorthStar. And it wouldn’t be that if it wasn’t for you! Not only do you help guide and shape the Navigator into something truly amazing, but you are awesome to work with! The stories you told made my day. From crazy cat stories to the local SWAT, you’re an awesome story teller, and inspirer. Your enthusiasm and optimism transfers to us when we write. Thank you for being the awesome teacher you are!
- John R.
Mrs. Meyer, thank you so much for everything you do. You have become so much more than a teacher–you’ve become someone I can go to for encouragement, advice, or just to vent to in Teams about senioritis or stress. I’m so thankful to have been your student, and how you’ve pushed me to grow. It’s sad this is goodbye, but I know your crazy stories and enthusiasm for life and learning will stick with me for a very long time.
- Karis T.
Mrs. Meyer, captain of the Navigator ship, thank you for being such an influential leader for this group, and for the encouragement that you have been to me since freshman year. I can think of no other teacher so willing to engage on a personal and cordial level with her students, and this very attribute is what makes the Navigator so alive. Your passion and excitability has transformed the Navigator into so much more than just a journaling class一it has become a place to grow in more ways than just academically.
- Ian K.
Although student-run, behind the scenes, Mrs. Meyer is what makes the Navigator what it is. As we looked to our final publication of the year, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write a giant thank you letter to the person that makes everything here at the Navigator possible. Thank you, Mrs. Meyer, for everything you do!
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