The Age of Social Media
By Keenan W.
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Disclaimer: More mature topics and subjects are covered in this article that might not be suitable for younger audiences.
Over the last 20 years, we, as a society, have entered the age of the internet and the use of social media. Today, social media plays almost a daily role in every person’s life. But the question is, in what ways, positive or negative, has or does social media affect us? Furthermore, what do the internet and social media look like when biblical principles are applied?
The Positives of Social Media (Connection, Friends, and Love):
After conducting an online anonymous high school student survey, two out of thirteen students said that social media affects them positively and seven out of thirteen students said they were affected both positively and negatively. Nonetheless, many can attest that there are positive aspects to social media. Social media can be used to get in touch with friends and family. During the pandemic, social media was one of the only ways to connect with the outside world. For some, social media is even a way to find love. At NSA, TCKs, missionary kids, and military kids use social media to keep in contact with those that they hold most dear. For someone who’s constantly on the move and needs to connect with people, social media is a lifesaver. Aside from connecting to other humans, social media can also provide us with information, knowledge, and tools. A quick tip or fact that you find on Instagram might just save your life.
Negatives of Social Media (Cyberbullying, augmented reality, and addiction):
Even though there are so many positives to social media, it also has its negatives. In the same survey as conducted above, nine out of thirteen students reported that they are addicted to social media. Social media addiction is a theme that plays a role in many people’s lives. Over time, the screen time hours start to add up. A social media addiction doesn’t just involve being addicted to the internet; it may include being addicted to viewing certain content. Being bombarded with propaganda, spamming, and information, and it can lead to a lack of independent thinking. When you’re constantly hit with a variety of opinions, or if you’re constantly told what to think, you aren’t able to develop your own thoughts or beliefs. The same can be applied to creativity and thinking creatively and originally. Social media is causing us to be influenced and unoriginal because, essentially, we’re just copying what we see. Additionally, social media and the internet have no borders. There are no rules, laws, or government to the internet. It’s all just open space.
Being on the internet for long periods of time in a universe that looks vastly different, can cause us to think that our reality is the same as that which is present on the internet. Our reality becomes augmented by what we believe is real on the internet. In due time, we all become absorbed in this little internet bubble and our reality becomes altered. Not only that but the augmented reality and lack of a system of rules is what causes many to feel like they’re able to do or say whatever they want. This is what leads to cyberbullying, something that five out of thirteen students say they’ve experienced. Cyberbullying can become so severe that people receive multiple death threats from random people they don’t even know. The internet doesn’t draw any lines between what is appropriate to say or do and what isn’t. It’s a free for all.
Porn, Scammers, and Virtual Kidnapping:
In the same survey as above, five out of thirteen students said that they’ve been tempted through social media to view inappropriate videos and images. In the age of social media and the internet, easily accessible pornography is something that millions consume regularly. (I won’t go into the negatives and consequences that porn can cause here.) Because of the little bubble that social media creates, some sites can cause an extremely lonely person who lives in a different country to feel like they have a personal romantic relationship with a porn star they pay money to. Social media and the internet skews the reality of the situation. Social media can also be used to the advantage of criminals such as scammers and catfishes. In recent years, social media has even been used to conduct instances of virtual kidnapping.
Applying the Bible to Social Media:
Even though there are some positives to social media and the internet, there are also many negatives. The Bible and God’s Word can still be applied to the situation, though. Obviously, social media did not exist back in the days of David and Goliath, but it can still help us to battle the struggles we may face when we use the internet and social media. Below are some verses that relate to the issue of social media:
Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals. - 1 Corinthians 15:33
I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:1-2
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. - Ephesians 4:29
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. - 1 John 5:19
As it is with all things, there are both pros and cons when it comes to social media and the internet in general. It can be wrought with temptation and a lack of boundaries, but it can also be a place where you can find a friend. I encourage you to find the balance between the two, and if you happen to be a believer, to apply the Bible and God’s word to whatever situation you may face.
If you found the themes in their articles interesting and wish to learn further, perhaps consider these resources:
Democracy Hacked by Martin Moore
Exodus Cry
The Social Dilemma
Columns: 🔎Informational 🗣️Advice
Keenan W. is in 11th Grade and has been with NSA since 2019. She lives in South Africa with her family and their dogs on a grape farm. Keenan plays both the piano and the mandolin. She is also an avid reader, loves music, and enjoys watching 2000s movies. Some of her interests include psychology, criminal justice, international affairs, forensics, and politics. She hopes to one day pursue a career in forensic psychology.