The Creative Writers of NorthStar
By Aaron Cady
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NorthStar Academy has a wide variety of clubs for its students. From the Botany Club to the Photography Club to the Drama Club, NSA has it all. One of the clubs that students can join is the Creative Writing Club. As evident in its name, the Creative Writers of NorthStar is made up of anybody from NSA who loves to write or wants feedback on their work. One member of this club is Katelynn Rogerson.
Katelynn is an eighth-grade student at NSA who has been part of the school for two years. She is originally from the country part of Texas and is also one of the club’s earliest members. “I've been part of this club for a while,” Katelynn says. “I want to say a year or more, but I could be insanely wrong. Whenever it started, I was there.” The club can be found in Teams, which NorthStar has used for communications and clubs for over a year.
The Creative Writers of NorthStar is open to anyone. “I saw a post about it in StuBo and used the link to join,” said Katelynn. “I joined this club because writing is, and always has been, a kind of a creative outlet for me… I also joined because I wanted to meet other people who liked writing!” A wide range of writing-related activities happen in the club. People can ask for and give advice on plot lining, characters, and the writing process in general. The club also recently started a round-robin story together, where everyone participates as a team to write a story. These activities allow the members of the club to connect and bond. Katelynn has enjoyed her time with the club very much. “This is something I love and am very passionate about,” she said.
Joining the Creative Writers of NorthStar is a great opportunity for anyone looking to improve their writing skills or to have with their writing. “I think my favorite part is all of the people with experience there who are willing to help out anyone who needs it,” Katelynn said. “If I have a question about something I wrote, I can just go to the writing club and start up a discussion, and we start talking.” The advice and help from others have significantly helped her. “It's helped me improve my characters 100%,” says Katelynn. “So many people I've met there have given me amazing tips to improve them!” Joining a club is a great idea for any student at NSA. There is something for everyone. But if you’re a writer, you should seriously consider joining the Creative Writers of NSA.
Aaron Cady is a senior at North Star. He has attended NSA for six years and has written for the Navigator for three of those years. Journalism is one of his passions, and he hopes to continue with it after graduation.