The Navigator Class 2021
By Izzy Wright
Vintage typewriter on blue background by Nastco from Getty Images
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This is the second year that the Navigator as a class has been open on NSA as a class. As an extracurricular, the Navigator pushes you to meet deadlines and work on a schedule that works for more than just yourself. It teaches dependability on others while strengthening an independence at the same time. You will work with other students to write articles that will be published on the Navigator’s website. You can write, publish, or advertise for the Navigator. Just sign up for it at the beginning of the year and attend EVP live sessions where you can talk with other classmates and the teacher live. You can chat about ideas and ask for proofreading from the editor-in-chief. It is open to both Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers. You will grow your writing skills and find your style in a safe environment. You can get feedback on a rough draft and ask for grammatical help. You will receive resources that will be useful after you leave High School as well. The Navigator is a great way to branch out of creative writing and start working on an article as a reporter would. It teaches how to write a newspaper article without sounding too wordy or not concise enough. If you enjoy writing articles that provide information or report on a subject, the Navigator is for you! Even if newspaper writing isn’t your style, the Navigator welcomes people with comic-style writing or fictional writing. We love diversity! The Navigator is a great place to start your writing as a career or a hobby! If any of this sounds like something you make enjoy, please go to our home page and hit the “Navigator Class” button. It will give you more information on credit and when sign up time is. I can’t wait to see you next year!
Izabell Wright has been attending NSA for two years now and this is her first year writing for the Navigator. She has always loved writing and from a very young age, she was writing short stories and children's books. She loves to make videos and always has a creative outlet. Although she is still in middle school, she plans to become an environmental lawyer.