The Good, the Bad, and the 2020
By Lydia Novak
2020 New year countdown design concept , background 2020 on wooden shelf by tuk69tuk from Getty Images
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It’s been a year full of good, bad, and… well… just 2020 in general. Watching the world experience fires, murder hornets, riots, and a world pandemic wasn’t exactly on my bucket list! However, good has come out of this year as well, whether we choose to see it or not. So, just for a moment, let’s not be afraid of our past. Before the ink has dried on our newly written New Year’s resolutions, and before we wave goodbye to this strange year once and for all, let’s take a look at what this year has told us about ourselves. Let’s see what wonderful things God can make out of our poor, sinful, and pandemic-ridden world.
Some of us have found a new hobby. Some of us have learned a valuable life lesson. Others have had more time to spend with our family, or to do more things we’ve always wanted to do. Let’s see how the NSA students have handled this year. Despite all the awful stuff that's happened in 2020, what is something good that came out of this year for you?
9th-grader, Jared Cheaz, says that “ Had it not been for COVID, I probably wouldn't have gone to NSA. I've met so many great people and I feel like I fit in here very well because I’m iNSAne.” He also says that he has loved getting involved in his church youth worship service, “Because I love playing music and singing.”
Eighth grader, Katelynn (Kate) Rogerson, says that the online community and connecting with peers online has helped her get through this tough year. “2020 was a very difficult year, for the world, and for me as an individual, but some really amazing things sprouted from it that made it all worth it to me. I really grew in some relationships with friends online, which has always been a struggle for me. While seeing friends in person is always easier, I've been able to have just as close of friends over the phone this past year, and it's been really nice to have that.”
Another student also has their own story for 2020. “Something good that has come out of 2020 for me personally would be having added time to focus on what I need to do to refocus on my family and God. We were always constantly running the rat race and COVID-19 has slowed us down a little bit. So I've been able to focus on my family and what is going on with us. As well, we did get a new dog and that was definitely a highlight in 2020. While it wasn't necessarily a ‘good’ year per se, there were a few things that came out of it that were good.”
However, it isn’t just personal stories that see the good in this year. There are also many large-scale stories that show a bright side to 2020. To give just one example, we learned to give thanks and appreciate hard workers who sometimes go unnoticed. Not only doctors and nurses, but even grocery store workers put themselves in danger during the lockdown, and it’s important for us to recognize everyone’s role. So, next time you go to the grocery store, thank the person who bags your groceries. The next time a stranger holds open a door for you, thank them. The next time you go to a doctor’s office, or the next time your mom or dad makes lunch for you, remember how important they are, not only to you, but to God as His children. And lastly, remember to thank God for all the blessings He has given you.
2020 has been a strange year, but God is able to take evil and use it for good. So, I’ll leave you with a Bible verse. Romans 8:28 ESV says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Lydia Novak is in 9th grade this year and this is her first year at NSA! She loves to sing, act in local and professional theatre productions, and read when she isn't doing schoolwork. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri, with her mom and step-dad. She has no siblings, but she does have a dog named Pippin (after Peregrin Took from the Lord of the Rings book series).