The Story of Serving Selflessly

By Avery P.

Have you ever dreamed of making a difference in the world? Well, that's what Cora and her family do. They live in Mexico and work with an organization that helps orphans and orphanages and have lived there since Cora was six years old. At the orphanages, her family sponsors children and works with the organization to better the environment for the children. This incredible ministry is called Back 2 Back, and they live out the verse James 1:27. This verse says “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

Back 2 Back ministries have many locations such as those located  in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, four locations in Mexico, one in Nigeria, and two in India. They are making an impact all around the world. At these locations, missionaries from all around the world come to help make a difference which is where Cora and her parents come in. Having been in Mexico for eleven years, her parents help run the Strong Families program. With this program, her family is able to meet many missionaries who travel to Mexico. In addition, Cora can help out with the visiting missionaries work days. At the program, they work with orphans, caring for them and giving them a better environment. In addition, they work with vulnerable families in order to  help them keep their families together. According to their website, kids are always the center of their work. Aiding in the spiritual, educational, and emotional needs of the kids in the community is their main priority. They provide regular medical and dental care for the children and their families. Also, they help children understand the love and protection of God. Over 250 people have been helped by this ministry to graduate from high school and college. In conclusion, the impact of Back 2 Back ministries is very prominent in these countries.

In addition to living in Mexico, Cora and her family visit the United States often. They visit grandparents and family that live in the States. With living in a different country and then traveling back to the United States comes culture shock. One of the biggest culture shocks for Cora is processing and hearing English. She said being in a grocery store and hearing English is a shock. Another culture shock is the many versions of one food in a grocery store. For example, she said that in the States, there are many brands of peanut butter, but in Mexico, there is only one brand. 

Changing lives and helping others is what Christians are called to do. That is Cora's favorite part about what she and her family do. She loves being a part of the process of helping people and changing their lives. We are called to serve people wholeheartedly. That is what her family and the Back2Back ministries do. In conclusion, Cora and her family have made a difference in so many people's lives by serving them selflessly.

Avery P lives in Memphis, Tennessee, with her parents, and three siblings. This is her second year at Northstar and her first writing for the Navigator. Avery enjoys reading, hanging out with friends, and being at church. In the future, Avery hopes to pursue a future in education.