Uganda: The Extraordinary Nation of East Africa
By John C.
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Uganda is a landlocked country located in eastern Africa. From the amazing culture to unique foods and beyond, Uganda has something interesting for everybody. Perhaps, you are interested to learn about what the culture is like in this wonderful country. Maybe, you would prefer to learn about the unique foods the people of Uganda eat, and some different ways these foods are prepared. If by some chance, neither of these topics have you intrigued, you might like to learn about the many activities that Ugandans enjoy taking part in.
The culture of Uganda is very special in many ways. Keene, an NSA student that lives in Uganda, describes what the people he interacts with are like, “The culture is really friendly and welcoming.” Keene also shared that the culture was his favorite part about living in Uganda. When asked about a time when he felt especially welcomed by the culture, Keene recalled a memory, “One time, it was after church, and we had gone to see an elder of the church, and she invited us into her house and gave us food and drinks. She also gave us straw hats.” This memory includes many small details about the ways that the people of Uganda are friendly, welcoming, and generous. Lastly, Keene relates that he would tell people about the culture and recommend living in Uganda to those who ask.
While Uganda clearly has a lovely culture, that is not all the country features. Another highlight of the country is the food. Though the country is home to a wide variety of unique foods, Keene expresses that fried grasshoppers stand out to him as his favorite. In Uganda, grasshoppers are seen as a delicacy, and they are prepared in several ways. The type of grasshoppers that are most commonly used for food are called Nsenene. These grasshoppers are captured using a large trap. This trap consists of bright lights, metal sheeting, and smoke from burning grass (BBC). When the grasshoppers are actually being cooked, their wings and legs are taken off. Fortunately for those cooking Nsenene, the insects secrete oil naturally, so there is no need to buy any sort of cooking oil. This significantly decreases the cost of eating Nsenene. As for the flavors, you can eat these grasshoppers with no spices, or you can add any variety of spices, chili flavoring, or onions (Rummel). Each of these options has lots of flavors, and they make this snack incredibly popular. Along with the flavor, Keene describes grasshoppers as crunchy and tasty.
Soccer has a rich history in Uganda; however, they know it as football. Originally, soccer was introduced to the country by the British around 1897. At first, it was difficult for people to remember the rules and positions that they played. As time went on, the sport increased in popularity, eventually becoming the country’s national sport. The people of Uganda value soccer very much, and it plays a major role in each of their lives. Keene was very clear that soccer was the most popular activity in the country. When asked about popular activities, Keene replied, “Soccer, the people here love soccer.” The highest level of soccer in Uganda is the Federation of Uganda Football Associations, also known as FUFA (History of football in Uganda: National Council of Sports).
Uganda is a wonderful nation that has lots to offer. While there are many things about this country that are unique, not everything is. Nevertheless, Uganda is still a special place and the people are incredibly kind and generous. There is much more to learn about Uganda aside from the information I have presented today, and I encourage you to take some time to learn even more about the wonderful country of Uganda.
Columns: 🔎Informational
John C. has been at NorthStar for three years. He lives in the Middle East and is the youngest in his family. He likes to play sports, listen to music, and play video games. He has just recently started writing with the Navigator, and this is his first time working with a newspaper.