2022 Pastimes
By John R.
Man on dirt bike racing on dirt road in nature by skynesher from Getty Images Signature
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What is a recreational activity? It's basically a hobby, something you enjoy doing to get your mind off other things. For some it's dirt biking, other it's spying on people. Some people enjoy sports, others make potatoing a hobby. This is a new year, 2022, to be exact, and if you’re looking for things to do, there is always something. In my eyes, there is no excuse to be bored all the time. I’ll highlight a few good hobbies many people find interesting. If, right now, I was to ask you what your hobby was, I'm sure 90% of it would be reading, so we’ll leave reading books out of this hobby list. We’ll also leave out a very arresting yet shameful activity: Junk Food Marathons. Yes, that is a thing (I have no doubt many people consider that a hobby), and all I can say is: Listen to your Mom, it's called junk for a reason.
First on our list of incredible pastimes is the dirt-kicking, loud, and sometimes dangerous pastime of dirt bikes! Many people enjoy going on joy rides with ATV’s, dirt bikes, and other such vehicles. When you get on that dirt bike there is only one thing to do: have fun. In the words of former NSAer and comedy star, Samuel: ”Dirt Biking puts all the worries of life behind and all you have to worry about is wrecking hard.” Dirt Biking is a form of recreation, you can zip to and from the four corners of the local play pit with adrenaline pumping excitement the whole time. However, it's not just recreation, it can also be a great form of exercise: “I love it because it's a solid full body workout every time riding. It's also very competitive if you race and I love competition. Nothing better than the smell of some gorgeous dirt bike exhaust,” Samuel added. If you enjoy ripping around, burning rubber, a mild tinge of danger, and leaving your opponents behind in the dust, you might want to check out Dirt bikes, or ATVs, as a feasible pastime for 2022. “I would strongly recommend it to anyone and everyone, not only is it good exercise but it is extremely fun. It’s definitely in the category of an extreme sport and that’s what I love [about it].”
However, some of you might not be into motor sports, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a hobby to fall back on then you are extremely bored. I almost put “singing” in here, as, when questioned, many people included that in their comprehensive list of hobbies. But, as it's a very well-known and widely done activity, we’ll leave it out. Let’s face it, you are probably here for new things to do and try, and I guarantee you have let out a full-fledged voice solo at one point in your life, no matter if it was screeching (which is nothing to be ashamed of), or smooth, refined operas. But singing is there, in case you ever just need something to do.
This pastime is one that you either love or you hate. But no matter your stance on making the food, everyone loves what comes after, namly the intense devouring of that perfect dish. Whether it's Mexican, Italian, Indian, Asian, American, or French cuisine, you don’t have to be Gordon Ramsey to cook. If you need inspiration, Everett says: “My favorite appetizer is Chorizo Bean dip from Mexico, but I really like the Flying Jacob from Sweden.” When you see the flying Jacob in a picture, or in person, it's mouth-watering. But if that's not enough inspiration to get in the kitchen, Everett added: “We've had smoked chicken, turkey, different cuts of beef and pork, and some others such as shrimp and vegetables.” There is truly nothing better than smoked meat.
For the last section here, we’ll lump music and writing together, both kinds of art. You can create entire worlds with them both. Lydia commented: “I write because I can be in a world that isn’t my own.” She also added: “I can be the hero or be the supporter.” That means that your dream of being a CIA agent jumping from shadow to shadow to carry out a mission upon which the world depends, might be possible. Why not write it? Then make music to go with it! Wished you lived in Tolkien’s Middle Earth? Make it! Just, don’t try to sell or distribute it. There is always something fun to do, and it's nice to have that one thing to fall back on when you get bored. With a new year, the opportunity to get up and do something are limitless!
Columns: 🧑🚀NSA Culture
John R. lives in Oregon, in the United States and this is his first year at NSA. He is in 11th grade, and enjoys pastimes such as reading, hanging out with friends, friendly debates, and speaking international affairs. He also loves studying and speaking of U.S. and Military history. Future career goals include engineer, architect, firefighter, or police officer.