A Few of Our Favorite Things
By Avery P.
Fall Coffee Flatlay by siriwannapatphotos Created in Canva
Fall is upon us. With the change of the weather comes changes in society. Yes, this may seem extreme, but a lot of things change with the coming of fall. For example, new activities begin and new drinks are consumed. This is just a part of our ever-changing world. However, fall seems to be a controversial time for some. If you were to ask our staff about their thoughts on fall, half would say they loved it, and the other half would probably scoff at you. After being asked to fill out a form, the Navigator staff is here to give their opinions on all things fall!
When asked when the fall season starts for them, a majority of the interviewees said that fall started in September. Nevertheless, a few did say that it started in October. Fall weather in the United States starts to arrive around mid to late September. However, different states may experience short periods of fall weather later in the month.
Another common fall necessity would be the vast variety of fall drinks. When people think of fall, they often dream of pumpkin spice or chai. Interestingly enough, a few people said that hot chocolate was their favorite fall drink. In addition to hot chocolate, one person said that hot apple cider was their favorite, and one said that black tea was their favorite. Out of the interviews, only two people answered that pumpkin spice lattes were their favorite.
When asked if they thought pumpkin spice was overrated, underrated, or accurately rated, the answers were mixed. One interviewee stated that they only liked to decorate with pumpkins rather than eat them. Several people said that it was accurately rated. Brooklyn says this about pumpkin spice, “It might be a little overrated, but that's why I love it. What can I say, it's nostalgic.” This was the general consensus on the form.
A controversial topic was discussed within this form. Is candy corn accurately rated, underrated, or overrated? The answers for this topic were mixed. Staff member Ellie says that it is accurately rated because it is okay, but is not great. In contrast, one staff member said that it is massively underrated. He says this is because he cannot recall anyone he has met liking candy corn except him!
In conclusion, the Navigator staff loves fall. The writers love the season of back to school and fall drinks. Seven out of the eight said that fall was their absolute favorite season. Editor-in-Chief John says this about fall, “Yes. Even though I don't currently live in an area where fall is very noticeable or important, I grew up in a place where it was important. I always loved watching the leaves change colors and fall to the ground. In my current location, fall is the time when the weather starts to get somewhat bearable and I can go outside without fear of melting, so that is really nice too.” In conclusion, the staff has differing opinions on fall, but overall we agree that fall is a great holiday!
Columns: 🗓️Seasonal
Avery P. lives in Tennessee with her parents and three siblings. She has been a student at NorthStar for three years. This is her second year writing for the Navigator. After high school, Avery plans to attend college and earn a degree in education.