An Awkward Article
Tales of the Awkward Elbow Picture
by The Navigator Staff
NorthStar Navigator Staff Elbow Picture (Not all staff present for photo.)
Most students, teachers, or parents who have roamed the virtual halls of NSA have come across the “awkward elbow picture.” For those who are new to the fun nature of NSA the awkward elbow picture can be quite confusing. What is so special about a picture of two NSA students at a meet up where their elbows are touching? Why are their elbows touching? Why is this a trend and why, oh why, is it so awkward?
How It All Began
(It had nothing to do with Covid-19. We did this before it was cool.)
Christe Bout and Raegan Allinder in the first elbow picture.
But what is the Awkward Elbow Picture? Basically, when NSA students meet up they take a picture with their elbows touching. This roughly started in 2008 when NSA students Christe Bout and Raegan Allinder met up. They wanted to make their picture look odd, so they got into the most awkward position they could think of, and the girls ended up displaying their elbows. Later, Tim Jones and Josh Liposec met up and took a picture holding each other’s elbows to make fun of the original pose. After that, all NSA meetup photos had something to do with elbows until the posture evolved to what it is today. Now, the standard position in a meetup picture is that both parties touch elbows.
The Picture . . . The Myth . . . The Legend
However, when people first see the Awkward Elbow Picture, they’re confused, so some urban legends have sprung up. The most common one is that someone took a meetup with another student and one girl was displaying the other girl’s elbow, which isn’t far from the truth. Mrs. April Meyer, a teacher at NSA, thought that the elbow pictures started because it might be inappropriate for teachers to hug each other or their students, so they took awkward elbow pictures instead. Others thought that the students were trying to spell out NSA and ended with an awkward elbow picture. Regardless of how it started, the Awkward Elbow Picture helps show NSA’s goofy nature.
Continuation of the Legacy
Now that you’ve learned all about what an elbow picture is, let’s talk about how the awkward photograph became a legacy. According to legend and fact, the elbow picture became a legacy when other NSA students tried to copy the original photo, before the tradition technically existed. NSA alumni Tim Jones and Josh Liposec were the first to duplicate the elbow picture Raegan and Christe took, becoming the initiators of this wonderful heritage.
There’s no denying that an elbow picture is awkward; the first elbow picture might as well have been a badly timed photograph. Yet, some question the awkwardness of the elbow picture in the first place. The Navigator’s own writer, Tirzah Hopkins, says, “Why is it awkward? I mean, elbows are pointy, so it’s not like you’re touching that much?” The Navigator staff acknowledges the validity of this question, but the original elbow picture clearly demonstrates the discomfort of the pose.
2019-2020 NSA Student Council
As for the continuation of the legacy, the NSA Welcome Committee and NSA World Teams channels now hold regular Elbow Picture photo contests. Additionally, what some are calling “Next Gen Elbow Pictures” have taken NSA by storm. They involve taking a virtual elbow picture with NSAers on a call together.
To see this awkward legacy continue, check out the NSA World Team. Also, if you have an elbow picture to share please go to Teams > NSA World > Elbow Pictures > Featured Elbow Pictures. (Please see directions posted in Teams channel.)
The Meaning Behind the Picture
The awkward elbow picture has become a special part of NSA. Over the past eight years, it has turned into something uniquely memorable. NorthStar students from all over the globe meet each other and take these pictures. “I think the awkward elbow picture means a lot to NSA in the way that it shows we are goofy and have our own traditions,” said Tirzah Hopkins. “It also shows we have a special thing to do when we get together.” Going to an online school means that you don’t usually see any of your classmates. However, the elbow photos allow NorthStar students to stay connected across the globe. “Because we go to an online school and we often don't get to see each other, it's important to have something that shows how we can all be connected,” Caylee Lamb said. “Even if it is something very silly and awkward, it shows how silly and awkward we all are.”
This tradition is not only something fun for students but also something they appreciate. “As a student, I look forward to seeing awkward elbow pictures from others,” Caylee said. Tirzah expressed similar thoughts, saying, “I think it helps connect NSA students by giving more of an incentive to meet up, even if it isn't much. Like, if you meet up, you get to take an awkward elbow picture and post it!” The awkward elbow picture has grown from just a silly little thing into a big part of student life at NorthStar. It is also something that NSA students can point to in order to show NSA’s spirit. Even though the students are located all around the globe, the awkward elbow picture is something that connects students, teachers, and staff.
The awkward elbow picture, like its long name, is awkward but also holds much value and meaning to the NSA community. Students dream about touching elbows with fellow NSAers and are just as enthusiastic when someone else’s elbow picture is shared. NSA, though an online school, is just as lively and vibrant as any brick-and-mortar school. NorthStar Academy is not just a school but a community of people who shine through in their enthusiasm for their traditions, even the awkward ones.