Analyzing The Navigator’s Positions
By Alexander M.
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While some would assume that being a part of a school newspaper only involves writing, the reality is very different. From editors working on perfecting the articles of others to the publication team managing the website, the Navigator has multiple unique positions that have not been shown to the public eye. Therefore, this article will act as a spotlight to enlighten readers of the amazing positions that make up the NorthStar Navigator besides the publication team, which has already been mentioned in a previous article here.
The one position that every person on the Navigator holds is that of a writer. This job involves researching and writing articles on several different topics ranging from ones about NorthStar Academy itself to articles discussing holidays, clubs, and spiritual matters. The best part is that writers have largely free reign regarding the topics they write about, which allows each writer to truly express their favorite type of writing. For example, some people prefer to write articles reviewing products or weaving stories together, while others enjoy interviewing students and faculty about school events.
The social media manager is another interesting position here at the Navigator. According to our present social media manager, Ellie B., the social media manager position involves “creating ads to be posted on social media that advertise the Navigator.” These ads are created based on a theme chosen by the social media manager and the PR representative. The social media manager also works with some of NorthStar Academy’s faculty “to come up with new ways to advertise the Navigator on social media.”
The editor position is a crucial part of the Navigator’s staff like any other newspaper, since bringing well-written articles to the public is what the Navigator is all about. One of the current editors on the Navigator staff, Onyi. U., says that being an editor “involves going over the rough drafts of the journalists and correcting them for grammar and style.” In addition, Jonah S., the other present editor on the Navigator, says that as an editor he is “always available to give suggestions during the writing process.” This is important to understand because editors on the Navigator can truly impact the whole writing process rather than just editing articles after they are written.
Another role in the Navigator is that of image manager. According to Michael C., the current image manager of the Navigator, this role involves ensuring that the NorthStar Navigator “does not get into any legal trouble” regarding images and copyright. The image manager does this through ensuring that the images used across the Navigator website are in line with certain rules and regulations that allow for the Navigator to properly cite those that make the images across the Navigator’s website. These image citations are created by the image manager.
In addition to the positions listed above, there is the position of citations manager. Joseph P., who is our current citations manager, explains that this position works “with journalists to cite their sources and ensure their existing citations adhere to MLA guidelines.” Like the image manager, this is a role that is crucial to the Navigator because as a newspaper the Navigator wants to bring its readers good information from credited sources.
To summarize, the Navigator has a lot more positions than some might think. From working to properly cite sources to managing the social media presence of the Navigator, every staff member can adapt to find their place and passion as a part of the team. This is one thing that makes the Navigator a fun and unique adventure for each staff member. Thanks for learning more about the Navigator, and if you are interested in checking out the publication team’s positions, check out that article here.
Columns: 🔎Informational 🗞️Staff Stories
Alexander M. lives in Georgia, USA, with his parents and younger sister. He has been a student at NorthStar Academy for two full years, and this is his second year at the Navigator. He enjoys playing video games like Minecraft with his friends and likes talking with other students at NorthStar Academy.