Thank You, Lydia!
By John C.
Thank You By Getty Images (ivosar) Created in Canva
For those of you who are unaware, Lydia has been the Editor-in-Chief of the Navigator for the last three years. She stepped up last-minute before the 2021-2022 school year began and offered to take on the role in the sudden absence of the previously scheduled Editor-in-Chief. Since accepting the role, Lydia has worked diligently to ensure the success of the Navigator, creating a fun and welcoming environment for all members of the team, whilst maintaining a professional workspace. This article is a thank you article from the Navigator staff to Lydia as she prepares to graduate and move on to a new phase in her life.
Onyi: “Hi Lydia! Thank you so much for being such a hardworking, efficient editor-in-chief! You were very welcoming when I first started writing for the Navigator, and I’m so glad I got to know you! You put so much effort into arranging the publication. You will greatly missed, but I wish you a bright future!”
Graham: “Hi Lydia! Thanks for all the hard work you've put in as our editor-in-chief. Thanks you so much for putting so much effort into giving me good feedback for my articles, as well as everyone else's. I'll miss you and friendly and funny personality a lot!”
Chesed: “Hi Lydia! Thank you so much for everything you have accomplished on the Navigator! You are diligent, kind, and so welcoming to all of the staff! I have loved working on the Navigator because of the amazing environment you have shaped it into. You will be very missed.”
Alexander: “Thank you so much for all that you do here at the Navigator, Lydia! You have been an excellent editor-in-chief, and it is sad to see you go. However, I am glad that others can experience the leadership, compassion, and patience that you have brought to the Navigator each and every week. Thank you again for always being such an encouraging and giving leader, since that is what truly leads the team on!”
Jonah: “Lydia, thank you for going above and beyond as our editor-in-chief. Your hard work and dedication have been really inspiring. I remember my first day at the Navigator. One of the first things that was talked about was the copyright issue. I was quite shocked to find out that you had been working all summer to fix the issue. It seemed like a really stressful thing to deal with, but you dealt with it really well and even sacrificed your summer to solve the problem. This made me strive to do the best that I can as I was joining the team. It will be sad to see you go but I hope that College treats you well!”
Avery: “Lydia, thank you for all of your incredible work on the Navigator! It has been a joy working alongside you this year. You have truly changed and shaped the class. You were always open to answer any questions I may have. You have done incredible things for the Navigator and will be missed!”
Aaron: “Lydia, thank you so much for being such an awesome editor-in-chief! It has been such a pleasure to work with you for the past two years. I have learned so much from you about how to be a servant leader. You have truly been such a wonderful role model for me. I wish you the best for your next steps into life beyond high school!”
Michael: “Lydia, you are the first editor-in-chief I have ever had and you set the bar very high. From day one, you broke every stereotype about an EIC from movies and books. Thank you so much for guiding and shaping the Navigator these past few years. Everyone here at the Nav appreciates your long and hard hours you put into the Navigator.”
John: “Lydia, when I first joined the Navigator, I was very nervous and unsure of what to expect. I quickly learned that you had created a welcoming environment and that everybody was very friendly and helpful. You offered to help me and teach me as I took on the responsibility of Assistant Editor-in-Chief. Your encouragement and patience as I’ve learned the ins and outs of the EIC job have made a big impact on me. As I prepare to take over your position next year, I hope to maintain your leadership style and inspire others as you have inspired me. I wish you the best of luck as you prepare to graduate, and I pray that you will always follow God’s path for your life.”
Mrs. Meyer: “Lydia, from the first year you joined the Navigator, you have always gone above and beyond. You stepped in to be the editor-in-chief when we needed one and have left an indelible mark on our newspaper. The Nav would not be the same without you!”
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John C. lives in the Middle East with his parents. He is in eleventh grade and has been studying at NorthStar for five years. This year is John's second year with the Navigator, and he is working as the assistant editor-in-chief. John enjoys working out, playing basketball, playing video games, watching TV, and listening to music.