From the Director’s Desk November 2019

It is hard to believe that we are well into the first semester of the school year here at NorthStar.  The temperatures are cooling down and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. If you have been around NorthStar for a while you have noticed a few user-friendly changes that have come along this year, most notably the move away from First Class and to Microsoft Teams and Outlook. 

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A Christian School in a Muslim Country

When most people hear about Kuwait, they think of the war fought there in the 1990s. Thoughts of a vast, barren desert and the searing heat also come to mind. All that is true, but Kuwait is also so much more. Located in the northeast of the Arabian Peninsula, Kuwait is approximately equal in landmass to the state of Hawaii. Much of Kuwait is desert, but some cities and oases have sprung up. Most of the country’s population lives in Kuwait City, the capital, making this emirate one of the world’s most urbanized countries.

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NSA Talent Search Needs You!  

Need more drama in your life? Then the North Star Talent Search is meant for you! Mrs. Foster, the theater teacher for North Star Academy, is presenting The North Star Talent Search. Each month features a new performing challenge that can be approached creatively through singing, dancing, or acting. It is for all students, no matter their age or courses they are taking.

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NorthStar has a School in the Middle East?

NorthStar Academy is used by students all over the globe. Close to 2,000 students in dozens of countries go to our school online. NorthStar is based in Mississippi but is a truly international school. Did you know that NorthStar also partners with a brick and mortar school in Kuwait? Lighthouse Academy is a Christian school that uses NorthStar’s curriculum from grades six to twelve. Graduates receive a NorthStar diploma. Recently, NorthStar’s Dean of Students, Scott Berggren, and Director, Dan Cooley, visited the Lighthouse Academy.

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