“The Quiz” is a short story written by one of NorthStar’s students who participated in a short story competition for NSA’s Creative Wiring Club. Reader discretion is advised, as the story contains some fantasy violence. The first chapter of the story is here in this article. To read the full story, click here.
Read MoreMy NSA story has not been a fairytale, far from it to be honest, but I have enjoyed my time at NorthStar. This is my third year at NSA, but only my second year taking classes only from NorthStar. The three-year journey until now has been full of hardships, but there are many fun memories. My tenth grade year in particular has been full of changes, yet there has been a constant, the Navigator.
Read MoreYou can describe me with the 4 F’s and two P’s. Faith, Family, Flag, Freedom, Protection, and Procrastination. I know, it's an underwhelming end to such a virtuous list. You may know me as the funny guy in that obscure school newspaper. You may be saying “that man is cringe” or something similar. You might even know me as the guy who was active on Teams a year ago then disappeared forever. In the case of the latter, I don’t know why you still remember me, my greatest contribution to NSA was participating in a meme war. But whether I’m remembered as King Cringe or the Chick-fil-A guy, I am leaving…for good, I’m never coming back.
Read MoreFor most, the Covid-19 pandemic has been nothing but trouble. The deadly disease has wreaked havoc all over the world. I, however, have gotten something positive out of the pandemic: if it hadn't been for the lockdowns, I may never have found NSA.
Read More“Arrivederci” is a short story written by one of NorthStar’s students who participated in a short story competition for NSA’s Creative Wiring Club. Reader discretion is advised, as the story contains some fantasy violence. The prologue of the story is here in this article. To read the full story, click here.
Read MoreThis is an allegorical story of growing up, moving from childhood to adulthood, and being a senior. The piece is inspired by John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim Progress.” This is part of my NSA Story.
Read MoreThe NorthStar Navigator, affectionately called the “Nav,” was established in 2006. Ever since then, it has continued to serve the student body by bringing stories of intrigue and interest to students across the globe. As NorthStar’s school newspaper, the Navigator shares the latest news about NorthStar happenings, student life, global issues, and so much more. However, the Navigator has evolved substantially as a school newspaper since 2006. So, the Nav Staff has decided to dig deep into old article archives to bring you the history of the Navigator.
Read MoreOver the years, my school life/situation has encountered many changes. Maybe my school situation had to change more than the average person’s, but maybe not. Whatever it is, I think it’s been great that my life has changed so much and given me some odd experiences.
Read MoreOn February 6, 2023, an Mw 7.8 earthquake that lasted for 80 seconds struck southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria. About nine hours later, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake occurred 59 miles (95 kilometers) to the southwest. To date, the earthquake has killed more than 50,000 people and injured infinitely more.
Read MoreAs the time approaches to sign up for the classes you want to take next year, I realized that there are probably a lot of people who have questions about the Navigator. I figured this would be the perfect time to answer some of those questions. Keep in mind as you read that I am not an expert on all things Navigator and I don’t know the perfect answer to everything, however, I will answer each question to the best of my ability.
Read MoreFor years we’ve been told that a college or university degree is necessary to succeed in life. And in the fall of 2020, about 19.5 million people attend college in the U.S. (NCES). Yet, for many, the cost of college can be immense. So, as times change, more people are looking at alternatives to college.
Read MoreNorthStar Academy has students located all around the world. As such, NSA students have experienced a vast variety of wildlife. Today, let’s go on a globe-trotting safari to find out what wildlife encounters look like for NSA students.
Read MoreEvery student at some time or another has had to do a community service project. Some of us, including myself, try just to meet the bare minimum. Other students, however, go above and beyond the requirements to do something really special. Norah is one of those students.
Read MoreAll students have probably flown paper airplanes, but Noah flies real planes. Noah is an exceptional student here at NorthStar. He balances high school with flying planes which means in his downtime he flies airplanes. This is his story.
Read MoreLet us take a moment to consider how literature has affected our society. It has allowed us to learn and speak out about what we believe to be important. It often reflects events of the time period that it was written in which gives readers a closer look into history through a form other than history books. Literature provides us with the opportunity to read the opinions and perspectives of diverse people through different times and a closer look at the reality of our world during different periods.
Read MoreThis is the time when the student body gets to vote on the next round of student council (also referred to as StuCo) members! For extra information, go to the Elections Team in NorthStar Academy’s official Microsoft Teams server.
Read MoreNorthStar’s Creative Writing Club recently held a short story contest! The winner was Abby H. and as part of her prize, her story has been published here on the NorthStar Navigator! Congratulations to Abby! Please enjoy her short story, “The Wielder.”
READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED - There is some minor fantasy violence present in this story. :)
Read MoreFor The NorthStar Navigator’s February Publication, we held a Scavenger hunt. We got a total of twelve responses, and everyone did so well! However, there can only be a few winners…
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