“The Quiz” is a short story written by one of NorthStar’s students who participated in a short story competition for NSA’s Creative Wiring Club. Reader discretion is advised, as the story contains some fantasy violence. The first chapter of the story is here in this article. To read the full story, click here.
Read More“Arrivederci” is a short story written by one of NorthStar’s students who participated in a short story competition for NSA’s Creative Wiring Club. Reader discretion is advised, as the story contains some fantasy violence. The prologue of the story is here in this article. To read the full story, click here.
Read MoreNorthStar Academy has students located all around the world. As such, NSA students have experienced a vast variety of wildlife. Today, let’s go on a globe-trotting safari to find out what wildlife encounters look like for NSA students.
Read MoreEvery student at some time or another has had to do a community service project. Some of us, including myself, try just to meet the bare minimum. Other students, however, go above and beyond the requirements to do something really special. Norah is one of those students.
Read MoreAll students have probably flown paper airplanes, but Noah flies real planes. Noah is an exceptional student here at NorthStar. He balances high school with flying planes which means in his downtime he flies airplanes. This is his story.
Read MoreLet us take a moment to consider how literature has affected our society. It has allowed us to learn and speak out about what we believe to be important. It often reflects events of the time period that it was written in which gives readers a closer look into history through a form other than history books. Literature provides us with the opportunity to read the opinions and perspectives of diverse people through different times and a closer look at the reality of our world during different periods.
Read MoreNorthStar’s Creative Writing Club recently held a short story contest! The winner was Abby H. and as part of her prize, her story has been published here on the NorthStar Navigator! Congratulations to Abby! Please enjoy her short story, “The Wielder.”
READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED - There is some minor fantasy violence present in this story. :)
Read MoreAugust 15th was the day when a fundamental change occurred in Afghanistan. A certain class of people conceives it as a day of independence, whereas another explains it as a day of destruction. To make things clearer, it is the point of view that matters. And it is the point of view of a specific person or group of people that will be investigated in this piece of investigative journalism. After the drastic change that shook a country to its core, many incidents and experiences supervened. The ordeal of an individual will be shared in this article.
Read MoreWelcome to Part 2! If you haven’t read Part 1, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this article to see the link to the first part where we meet The StuCo Coordinator and The Leadership Team!
Student Council is a big group of students and mentors all working together for the good of NorthStar. As such, there are quite a few people and roles to explain. In Part 2 of this article, I’ll be talking about The Outreach Team and The Communications Team.
Read MoreWelcome to Part 3! If you haven’t read Parts 1 and 2, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this article to see the links to the first and second parts where we meet The StuCo Coordinator, The Leadership Team, The Outreach Team, and The Communications Team!
Student Council is a big group of students and mentors all working together for the good of NorthStar. As such, there are quite a few people and roles to explain. In Part 3 of this article, I’ll be talking about The Representative Team.
Read MoreNorthStar Academy’s Student Council (also known as StuCo) is behind every event on our beautiful online campus. However, StuCo often works in the background, behind the Wizard-of-Oz-esq curtain.
Student Council is a big group of students and mentors all working together for the good of NorthStar. As such, there are quite a few people and roles to explain. In Part 1 of this article, I’ll be talking about the Leadership Team.
Read MoreNorthStar has been around for 25 years. For over two decades, NorthStar has been giving kids a strong foundation of education. Back in the day if you were a missionary and moved overseas, there were not many options. A lot of people had to send their kids to boarding schools. Children had to live apart from their families while they attended school. There was a problem, and one man saw a solution.
Read MoreAhh, there is nothing like the ocean. At the very least, this is the response that you would get if you were to ask Mrs. Beirne what her thoughts were about the ocean.
Read MoreMrs. Velasquez, or Mrs. V as most call her, is a curriculum writer for NorthStar and the Student Council advisor for this year. That means she’s not only a leader for the school, but she’s in charge of leading the student leaders! And, if teaching young, tender, and sometimes timid students how to rise up and become leaders isn’t hard enough, she has to do it completely online, across many countries around the globe.
Read MoreWould you believe me if I told you that NorthStar has a secret code name? Well, believe me or not, it’s true! NorthStar has in fact been cleverly disguised in the 2021 book Of Mages, Kings, and Polaris Academy. The book was written by a high school student and former writer on the Navigator: Tirzah!
Read MoreDear Fish,
I’ve never been a very sentimental person, but as I near the end of my senior year, I’m finding it harder and harder not to reminisce and look back over the last four years. Everyone tells you, ‘Time flies, so don’t wish it away,’ but you never realize how fast it all happens until it’s in the rear view.
Read MoreAs I was working on piecing this article together, it kept getting bigger and bigger. The longer I read over Kate, Caleb, Regan, Sarah Grace, and Rhianna’s words, the more I realized that I wanted to be able to share all of it. Everything they have said are things that I needed to be told four years ago, and I couldn’t bring myself to cut half of it out. So, without further ado, here is part 2 of the article:
Read MoreThe best stories come from a need. When you back that need with passion, diligence, and personal experience, you just might find something worth sharing. We all could find a story about our personal experience that we could talk about, but not many have the diligence to write, illustrate, and publish such a story into a book. Regan had such a story to share. Using her talents in writing and drawing to publish a children’s book about China—a place she calls home—Regan used her unique experiences to shed new light on a misunderstood country.
Read MoreArt. It is interpretation, passion, and creativity uniquely expressed by different individuals. A multitude of art forms exist going back thousands of years, and painting is one of them.
Read MoreThe staff of the NorthStar Navigator write articles on other students, teachers, events, and clubs around NSA all year long. Naturally, as readers, none of you get to really know them through what they write. To help solve that problem, I’m here to divulge the New Year’s resolutions of the Navigator staff.
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