Posts in 🔎Informational
Grubby Americans Invent Totally Original Car

Disclaimer: Views and humor expressed in this article are the opinion of the author, and do not necessarily represent the NorthStar Navigator as a whole.

America has a strange obsession with cars. Nearly everyone has a car, or three. Public transportation almost doesn’t exist in many parts of the US, and only big cities have subways. In America, you will find cars that will seem big compared to the rest of the world because they are! This is partly because America is a massive country that spans a continent, unlike England where you can drive up and down the whole thing in just under 15 hours. To some Europeans, this is a nightmarish drive, but to Americans it's a Sunday excursion. Americans may not invent ideas, but they certainly make them bigger and better; this is no exception with cars, road trips, and fast food.

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Your First Car

*DISCLAIMER* This article is based strictly in the United States. Many things that are standard in the U.S. as listed here, such as legal statuses, regulations, practices, legislation, or legal ownership requirements may not exist in other countries. If you live outside the United States or U.S. Territories, research the laws and requirements according to your country of residence.

Many of you reading this article are probably looking for a car at this moment, that is why you clicked on it, right? Don’t judge, I am still honing my clickbait skills. Either way, there are a ton of things you need to consider before making a purchase. Remember, this car will be a part of you for years to come. Now, your first car probably won’t be a Tesla. I’m sorry if that is what you expected this article to be: How to get a Tesla for the first car. It probably won’t happen. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find a nice car to commute from work or school in.

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Food for Thought: Christmas Edition

In honor of the upcoming Christmas festivities, I thought I’d take an unconventional spin with this article. Bear with me as I become a talk show host and interview food which most definitely can speak with me. Excuse me while I grab my heels and Christmas sweater…

Happy Holidays folks, and welcome to Food for Thought, where we interview the world’s leading cuisine to learn about their finer points. Today we have some classic Christmas friends from across the globe – please welcome Gingerbread House, Cinnamon Roll, Christmas Cookie, Panettone, Stollen Bread, White Fudge, and Christmas Pudding!

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Christmas Under Fire

Is true Christmas dead?

Christmas started in Rome in about 336 A.D. It started as a Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus. Because, even if we do not know the exact day that Jesus was born, we still set out a day in the year when we especially focus on celebrating Him. Christmas, from the origin, “mass on Christ’s day,” has been celebrated for centuries throughout generations and across continents (Hillerbrand). It is a special day set out to celebrate the birth and life of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself on the cross and died for our sins. It’s a day to realize who Jesus was, and what He gave us, and then to pass on that gift and kindness toward others. Yet, how many people these days are really celebrating Christmas for this reason?

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Your First Car P2

Now that you followed the link or just skipped the first article entirely(I would recommend reading Part I first, obviously) you can continue to read about cars:

This article is addressed specifically to residents of the United States. Many things that are standard in the U.S. as listed here, such as legal statuses, legislation, or legal ownership requirements may not exist in other countries. If you live outside the United States or U.S. Territories, research the laws and requirements according to your country of residence. Neither the author of his publication nor the NorthStar Navigator claim to be legal experts, nor should be taken as so. 

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A Reflection on Halloween

A lot of people this past Halloween season did not celebrate Halloween. According to Focus on the Family, some people believe that Halloween is a worship of the devil. So, should Christians celebrate Halloween? What do NorthStar students think about Halloween? I for one have been on both sides. For 10 years of my life, Halloween was a holiday that was never celebrated in my house. We would never give candy to people. We would turn all the lights out to make it seem like my family was not home. My family moved overseas when I was 10, and we met other Christian families who did celebrate Halloween. Their ideas influenced my parents; now, we do go trick-or-treating. So, I do not believe that celebrating Halloween is right or wrong.

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Uganda: The Extraordinary Nation of East Africa

Uganda is a landlocked country located in eastern Africa. From the amazing culture to unique foods and beyond, Uganda has something interesting for everybody. Perhaps, you are interested to learn about what the culture is like in this wonderful country. Maybe, you would prefer to learn about the unique foods the people of Uganda eat, and some different ways these foods are prepared. If by some chance, neither of these topics have you intrigued, you might like to learn about the many activities that Ugandans enjoy taking part in.

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NorthStar’s Founding Story according to an NSA Veteran

NorthStar has been around for 25 years. For over two decades, NorthStar has been giving kids a strong foundation of education. Back in the day if you were a missionary and moved overseas, there were not many options. A lot of people had to send their kids to boarding schools. Children had to live apart from their families while they attended school. There was a problem, and one man saw a solution.

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The End of an Era

From 1952 to 2022, Queen Elizabeth II has been the monarch of the United Kingdom and its associates. She has been a constant for 70 years (“Queen Elizabeth II”). Where times change, countries rise and fall, presidents are elected and forgotten, and economies falter; she has been a constant. On 8 September 2022, she took her last breath. But, how will her death affect the world and why does it signal the end of an era?

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The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has been going on since 24 February 2022. This invasion has been racking up a death toll of more than 6,000 civilians (“Ukraine: Civilian Casualty”). Yet, what many fail to realize is that the Russo-Ukrainian War has existed since 2014, and tensions between Ukraine and Russia have been present since Obama’s first term as president. This war has been a long time coming and leaders across the world have failed to take action.

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Macs vs Windows, Debate of the Century

Are you a Microsoft Windows person? Or are you a Mac fan? This is a debate that never seems to end. Each side has a following of die-hard fans who insist that their OS (Operating System) has the better performance. Apple, the company that produces the Mac dynasty, is a widely popular OS, but keep in mind, about 90% of the world's computers run some version of Microsoft Windows.

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Have We Misunderstood Education?

Why do we get an education? You may suggest without further thought that the sole purpose of an education is to go to college, get a job, and succeed in life by whatever terms you set for yourself. While all these things are true, what if I told you that you had missed the point entirely? What if the reason we get an education is for the purpose of crafting our skill in articulation?

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Singapore is a remarkable city. It's not a country, as it has no territory outside of borders, but it's considered a city-state. A city-state is a sovereign city that acts like a nation, but nothing else. Singapore's main strength lies in its economy, an economy that makes China and the U.S. blush. In this article we will discuss their economy, their influence on the world stage, what everyday life looks like, and a little bit about their innovations in technology.

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The Age of Social Media

Disclaimer: More mature topics and subjects are covered in this article that might not be suitable for younger audiences.

Over the last 20 years, we, as a society, have entered the age of the internet and the use of social media. Today, social media plays almost a daily role in every person’s life. But the question is, in what ways, positive or negative, has or does social media affect us? Furthermore, what do the internet and social media look like when biblical principles are applied?

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