A Day in the Life Photographed

This school year’s NSA Photo Contest kicked off on November 26 and ended at midnight central time on December 22, encouraging students to get creative with their photography. The popular contest was open to students of all grade levels at NSA. Here are the details about the contest, as well as the announced winners.

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From the Director's Desk March 2020

Greetings from the Director’s desk. As I sit here this morning, there are now more than 100 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the US across multiple states, along with many thousands world-wide. While there is certainly no need for panic, it is great to know that here at NorthStar, our student’s education can continue uninterrupted throughout this current situation.

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Family First

We all know that balancing school and family can be hard. It can be especially hard for those of us with many siblings, and for those of us who are used to being a part of the family for most of their day, especially when the siblings are also used to you being a part of their life, all the time.

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EVP vs VRP, Which one is for you?

Northstar Academy is an online school. It goes without saying that it would be different than a brick and mortar school. Many students don’t know what to expect when they are going to take classes online for the first time; I know I had no idea what to expect. There are two different types of courses that are made available for students at NSA. There are EVP courses which stands for enriched virtual program, and then there are VRP courses. They are both great and each have their own benefits for students in different situations.

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NSA Talent Search Winners for December and February

In the NorthStar Navigator’s first publication in November, Kay Lane wrote an article about the NSA talent showcase. The staff at the NorthStar Navigator felt it was only fitting the follow up her article with information on the winners from December and February. Congratulations to the winners and all those who had the courage to submit their talents.

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Martial Arts at NSA and in America

There are many different types of martial arts. One of the most common forms of martial arts done among children and teenagers in America is tae kwan do, a Korean martial art. Other very common martial arts practiced are MMA, Brazilian jiu jitsu, krav maga, American Kenpo, Japanese karate, aikido, judo, hapkido, muay thai, and kung fu. Some very uncommon martial arts practiced in America are bokator, bakom, lerdrit, dambe, systema, and silat.

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Moving Across the World

Mr. Daniel Cooley has been the director of NorthStar Academy for the past six years. During that whole time, he has lived in Southaven, Mississippi. NorthStar is a part of the Network of International Christian Schools, also known as NICS. This organization has its campus in Southaven as well. However, Mr. Cooley will be moving across the world to Nairobi, Kenya, to become the principal of a middle school.

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From the Director's Desk January 2020

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas as you celebrated the birth of our savior!  I hope that amidst the presents and the food, you were able to see the light of Christ clearly shining.  As the new year starts, we have the opportunity to reflect on the past year and look forward to how the Lord will work in our hearts and lives in 2020.  It is hard to believe that 2020 is here.

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