Posts in 🧑‍🚀NSA Culture
Know Your Platform: The Power of the Podcast

A recent media trend which has begun to make a comeback in 2020 is the podcast, a popular media where creators post episodes as a way to communicate with their listeners. The best part? A podcast can be on just about anything, as long as the host has an understanding of the topic. NorthStar Academy is certainly no stranger to podcasts. Over the years, NorthStar students have had the opportunity to listen in on the real-life stories of their peers.

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The Drama Club

Every school has a drama club. It is a staple of any school, just like math classes or school contests. Naturally, we have our own Drama Club at North Star. Like the other clubs, it has a Teams channel, and anyone can join. The Drama Club is for anyone who loves theater or acting. While North Star isn’t able to put on any plays or shows, students can still benefit from joining the Drama Club.

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The Creative Writers of NorthStar

NorthStar Academy has a wide variety of clubs for its students. From the Botany Club to the Photography Club to the Drama Club, NSA has it all. One of the clubs that students can join is the Creative Writing Club. As evident in its name, the Creative Writers of NorthStar is made up of anybody from NSA who loves to write or wants feedback on their work. One member of this club is Katelynn Rogerson.

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An Awkward Article

Most students, teachers, or parents who have roamed the virtual halls of NSA have come across the “awkward elbow picture.” For those who are new to the fun nature of NSA the awkward elbow picture can be quite confusing. What is so special about a picture of two NSA students at a meet up where their elbows are touching? Why are their elbows touching? Why is this a trend and why, oh why, is it so awkward?

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The Humorous Happenings of NSA

Students connected on FirstClass for a long time. With Teams, they can still connect. And where there are people, there is humor. NSA is definitely no exception. In this article, we’re going to reveal some of the funny moments and stories, given to us by a number of NSA students. While they probably aren't the funniest, they certainly are funny. So let’s get on with the humor, shall we?

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