There have been various articles written by the Navigator staff about middle school and high school kids who attend NorthStar Academy. However, there seemed to be a lack of information about the elementary students at NSA. There may be fewer elementary students active on Microsoft Teams than students in other grades, I do believe that these fourth, fifth, and sixth graders need a bit of representation in the Navigator too. So, without further ado, let us take a little peek into the lives of Elijah, Sarah, Haesol, and Allen!
Read MoreThe impact that teachers can have on their students' lives is sometimes overlooked. Our teachers are the people who support us in our growth and learning, and a teacher that cares is memorable. Of course, here at NSA, we are lucky to have remarkable teachers like Mrs. Arnaud. In addition to working at NSA, Mrs. Arnaud works for the Florida Department of Corrections as a special education teacher at a prison.
Read MoreWhat would it be like as president of StuCo? How would one run a body of students like StuCo? What does one do as president? As every question has an answer, these have a multitude of answers. As of the 2021-22 school year, we here at NSA have a great StuCo leader, or, is it Stucco? StuCo is short for Student Council, which is the body of students here at NSA who not only put out a newsletter monthly, lead youth groups, and such, but also create, plan, and host many of the events you see around NSA. But back to the question, and as every good question has an answer, Caleb, the president of StuCo, said: “Well… Stucco is wall texturing, isn’t it? So I’m gonna have to go with StuCo on this one.” StuCo it is then.
Read MoreEveryone has a story, and Mrs. Kathrine Clark’s is quite unique. Though she is now a middle school and high school history teacher, she was once a student at NorthStar Academy! As a child, Mrs. Clark lived as a missionary kid with her parents in Chad, Africa. She went to NorthStar Academy for her junior and senior year and graduated in 2013. When she attended, the school was quite different than it was today. Students downloaded their lessons in PDF format and worked offline. When they were done, they emailed their work to their teacher and the teacher graded it. However in the later part of Mrs. Clark’s time at NSA, lessons were switched over to an LMS system called Brainhoney, a precursor to Buzz.
Read MoreWhat is it that makes the Christian environment so magnetic and attractive? In my years at NorthStar Academy, I have found that the answer to this lies in the heart of the school itself: its teachers and management. The encouragement from the teachers and their daily efforts to intertwine Christianity into their lessons truly reflects the love of Christ. This is a reflection that I had not taken the time to think about before I had the opportunity to interview one of NSA’s newest teachers, Mr. Ayub. Mr. Ayub’s story and how he came to be a part of the NSA staff reflects his deep appreciation and sentiment for the unique love of Christ present in this school.
Read MoreThe 2020-21 school year was full of uncertainty and adventure for many brick-and-mortar students around the globe. With so much still going on in the world, teachers, students, and staff alike found themselves still learning how to adjust to an online learning environment. Here at NorthStar Academy, students continued to relish in their own personal academic successes. This success is largely due to the teachers -- whose patience and dedication inspires their students, no matter the situation. One of these teachers is the Navigator’s own faculty advisor: Mrs. April Meyer.
Read MoreA day in life looks different for every single person, and that could not be truer than it is here at NSA. Every student is different and holds a unique place in the diverse and very special student body we have. To demonstrate the sheer uniqueness of the students here at NSA, one student from each section of NSA’s student body: two high schoolers, a middle schooler, and an elementary student, were asked questions about what they feel their place is at NSA as well as general inquiries about their daily life.
Read MoreIn my last article, “One Student Two experiences,” I learned about a student’s perspective of both high school and middle school, as Elizabeth is in BOTH 8th and 9th grades at once! This article is going to focus on the teacher’s perspective of teaching students in both middle school and high school. Give it up for Mrs. Anderson!
Read MoreNorthstar Academy houses many students of all different grade levels. Some students have been with NSA since they were in elementary school, and others have only experienced the high school or middle school version of Northstar. Today I’m going to be telling you the story of an NSAer who is experiencing both middle school at NSA and high school… at the same time!
Read MoreThere is a great difference between high schoolers and elementary schoolers. Speaking as a high schooler, I know that elementary kids seem so young to me. When I was an elementary schooler, I know that high schoolers seemed so much older and bigger. So much happens in between those times. One of NSA’s teachers, Mrs. Katie Dunlap, experiences this every day. Mrs. Dunlap teaches both high school and elementary classes.
Read MoreIn March 2021, NorthStar Academy hosted its second annual Career Fair, which showcased a diverse roster of leaders from a variety of career fields and opportunities. Live session presenters covered topics ranging from film production, to architecture, and even military. The event also included a live panel from the Student Council. While “student leader” may not be a future career path, this student-led session offered a unique view into a leadership opportunity at NSA: proving how leadership can come- and start- from anywhere..
Read MoreIt’s been a year full of good, bad, and… well… just 2020 in general. Watching the world experience fires, murder hornets, riots, and a world pandemic wasn’t exactly on my bucket list! However, good has come out of this year as well, whether we choose to see it or not. So, just for a moment, let’s not be afraid of our past. Before the ink has dried on our newly written New Year’s resolutions, and before we wave goodbye to this strange year once and for all, let’s take a look at what this year has told us about ourselves. Let’s see what wonderful things God can make out of our poor, sinful, and pandemic-ridden world.
Read MoreOne of the best parts about North Star is the amazing teachers. Their hard work and dedication allow us students to learn and enjoy our classes. NSA has nearly one hundred teachers spread out over nine grades and a wide variety of subjects. While most teachers focus on one or two subjects, like English or science, there is another type of teacher at NSA. Jim Teague is a mentor teacher here at North Star.
Read MoreRegan Sheddan, an 11th grader at NSA, is a writer, artist, and Third Culture Kid. She has been at NSA for four years and has lived in China for 10 years. In August 2020, Regan began seriously thinking about writing a children’s book based on her experiences as a Third Culture Kid.
Read MoreLeadership can come in a variety of forms. Throughout history, there have been many notable names when it comes to leadership. When you first think of a historical leader, who first comes to mind? Did they work to save lives like Florence Nightingale? Maybe they dreamed about inspiring social change like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What about President George Washington leading troops to victory and freedom during the Revolutionary War? While it may seem as if a leader needs to have specific qualifications and backgrounds, that is absolutely not the case.
Read MoreHow is it already December? It seems that time has flown by recently. I, for one, am always looking forward to the holidays and the season that comes with them. Everyone's holiday looks different, especially at an international school like NSA. I invite you to get to know the 2020-2021 Navigator staff with their own words about the holidays.
Read MoreRyan Boren is a freshman from Phoenix, Arizona, and a great lover of cars. His favorite type of car is a Porsche but he also really likes Pontiacs because, “I like Pontiac because I own a Pontiac muscle car my grandfather gave me when he passed.”
Read MoreInjuries are a part of life. Everyone knows this. But not all injuries are the same, so NSA students were asked what their injuries were.
Read MoreCrossFit is a well-known fitness program. Many people do it for a variety of reasons, from general fitness to weight-loss to competitions. The CrossFit Games are a major competition among some of the world’s fittest people for the crown of Fittest Male or Female on Earth. These games have age groups, and one of North Star’s own students competes in these high-level contests.
Read MoreI’m not good at saying goodbye. Is anyone really?
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